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Legal Law

The body language of submission

In many cases people will show certain body language signals that suggest they are not willing to fight and will give in to something someone else wants. These are some of the most used body language signs in relation to…

Loneliness versus conformation: a snapshot of the life of an Indian girl

I have always been expected to CONFORM: Conform to the body language code; dress code; manner of speaking… to be precise, my entire behavior had to be modeled on a mold, closely supervised by those around me for me to…

Federal resume writing services cut red tape

Writing a federal resume and completing a federal job application package are not jobs for the inexperienced or the faint of heart. Successfully cutting through the red tape that typically surrounds federal job requirements requires skill, determination, and experience. A…

Sewing machines from the past to the present

People began to sew more than 20,000 years ago. Iron needles were invented in the 14th century. The first needles were made from animal horns or bones. In the early 19th century, clothing was made by hand. Sewing machines, along…

What kind of lawyer do you need?

“I need a shark” I hear that often from clients who think that the way to win a child custody or divorce case is to hire the nastiest, meanest, most abrasive and aggressive lawyer they can find. They want to…

No service tax on commercial rental of real property

On April 18, 2009, the Division Chamber of the Delhi High Court, consisting of Mr. Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed and Mr. Justice Rajiv Shakdher, admitted twenty-six writs challenging the levy of service tax on the commercial rentals. The summary of…

Barbados Real Estate: What You Need To Know About Buying Property In Barbados

A guide to buying real estate in Barbados There are no legal restrictions for non-nationals wishing to purchase real estate in Barbados. However, due to the peculiarities of local conveyance laws, the absence of title insurance, unregistered title deeds, and…

10 signs to detect if your employer is an abuser before he hits you

Abuse is not an old headline among overseas Filipino workers. Serious cases of employer mistreatment from the story of Flor Contemplacion, going through the executed Jakatia Pawa, going through the most recent, Joanna Demafelis, the lady kept in a freezer,…

Lincoln and the Ghosts of the Civil War

The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, is a pivot of American history. Once in office, simmering disputes between the northern and southern states soon escalated into what would become known as the American Civil War. It was…

Is Trump trying to run the clock?: 5 examples

Although trying to time out is a somewhat commonly used tactic by many advocates, former President Donald J. Trump seems to have brought this down to an art form. Before he was president, he often used a litigious strategy, in…