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Diatomaceous earth and bed bugs

Have you ever slept on a bed bug infested mattress? If so, you will surely remember that night to date for not being able to sleep and waking up with rashes all over your body. Bed bugs are nocturnal parasites that feed on human blood. Due to their flattened body shape, they can enter household facilities through the smallest gaps or holes and also penetrate mattresses with ease.

This parasitic insect not only sucks the blood of the host, but also leaves redness and inflammation on the skin at the site of penetration, which can lead to further infection. To avoid such complications, it is prudent to think of ways to get rid of this parasite as soon as possible. Brownish-red spots near the seams of the mattress or the presence of rashes on the skin are signs that bed bugs may be in the home.

Diatomaceous earth, a pesticide created from the fossilized shells of plants found in water known as diatoms, is believed to work well against bed bugs. This pesticide incorporates several minerals such as magnesium, silicon, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, titanium, sodium, and boron. Some of the other pests that can be eliminated with the effective use of diatomaceous earth are ants, cockroaches, silverfish, moths, aphids, thrips, and earwigs. Its characteristic properties of being abrasive and extremely absorbent by nature help in the destruction of bed bugs by causing the insect dehydration. Two factors that need to be considered before using diatomaceous earth is that the food grade pesticide should be purchased and not the amorphous form, as the latter can pose a threat to the user’s well-being; and second, it is important to wear a face mask during the application process to avoid inhaling pesticide fumes. Also, one must remember to apply the pesticide to even the smallest spaces in the house, as these pests have the potential to enter from almost anywhere.


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