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Homework for Teens: Try a Teen Homework Contract

Still trying to get your teen to do chores? Maybe it’s time to consider using a teen homework contract. Contracts can be a great tool for determining what needs to be done and rewards for completing tasks. Then let’s get started!

Why an employment contract?

One of the best things about having a teen homework contract is that it encourages everyone to sit down and agree on chores and responsibilities. And, while it’s a great idea to do that anyway, sometimes it doesn’t happen. Parents are in a great position to figure out what needs to be done around the house. And that may mean they assign tasks so that everything is covered.

Another great advantage of a contract is that it explains everything. It says what to do and when. Also, describe the rewards or consequences if the tasks are not completed. Sometimes seeing everything in writing and having to sign it. – is a great motivator in itself.

Finally, contracts can be seen as a more adult way of handling the responsibilities of a teenager. It can be like going to the next level. Chore charts are for kids, contracts are for teens.

put it on paper

Once you decide that a teen homework contract is for you, it’s time to put it in writing. The more like a contract, the better. It feels more formal and more serious.

Focus on making sure you have the basics covered: the what, when, where, and how of tasks. And make sure rewards and how changes are made are also covered. If you have a list, it should be easier to start your contract. And, if there’s an assignment attached to the tasks, you’re even one step closer.

But make sure you don’t get so caught up in the details of making it perfect that it doesn’t get done. That is one of the great advantages of having a section on how changes or updates can be made. Changes must be agreed to by both parties (teenager and parent) and must be put in writing, but should otherwise be easy to make. Having that part in the contract makes it even easier to get started.

Now that you have a plan for getting a teen homework contract, it’s time to get going!


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