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How to kiss a girl and blow her mind with pleasure

Have you ever wanted to kiss a girl and have her think you are an amazing kisser? Well, you’re in luck, you’re about to discover the secrets that will begin to make you a great connoisseur of kisses.

Most men have not taken the time to study the fine art of kissing a woman.

To lay the foundation for how to kiss your girl and really wow her with the experience, first use touch to gradually gauge if your woman is ready to kiss you.

If you can move gently and tenderly while stroking her hair, neck, and ears, then chances are she’s ready to kiss you.

Enjoy the sensations that you are masterfully bringing to her so that you can take hours to enjoy each other, so that when the kiss happens, the buildup and sizzling electricity is that much more amazing.

Once you have created the foundation of physical comfort through touch, create the special moment of the kiss by gently touching her cheeks and guiding her face towards you.

Drive it hard but gently. If she’s ready to kiss you, as you slowly move toward her, she’ll close her eyes, smile, or turn her face toward you. Enter 90% and let her find you with the remaining 10%.

Your lips have met and now you are kissing her! Almost all women have a fantasy and an ideal of how they want to be kissed. So here comes the secret of how to kiss your girl and find out what is that ideal kiss for her without asking her.

One of the easiest ways to find out is to simply pay attention.

People often project outwards what we want most, especially in the physical realm, so we will give love the way we want to receive love and she will kiss you the way she wants to be kissed.

The key then is to model your kiss. This means kissing her exactly as she is kissing you because her lips will tell you what her ideal kiss is.

Why modeling your kiss is so powerful? Have you ever met a woman who considers herself a bad kisser? I do not think so. So if you kiss her the way she kisses, you’re guaranteed to be good in her eyes.

Second, people who look alike “like” each other, and when you kiss her the way she kisses you, it’s like you’ve been lovers for a long time.

By kissing her in a way that is surprisingly familiar to her, she will feel safe and on a subconscious level, she will bond with you, and with that you can become her ideal lover through your kiss.

She has a fantasy in her head of how her ideal lover will kiss her, and usually she has probably rehearsed it over and over again in her head. By simply modeling how she kisses you, chances are you’ll get closer to that ideal in her head.

Listen to her lips with your whole body and all your senses while you kiss her. When your lips touch, really pay attention to the pressure she is putting on your lips.

Pay close attention to the pressure, speed, and way she is kissing you with her lips, and do the same for her. Notice how you position your lips in terms of whether your lips are barely touching yours or if you are pushing your lips against yours. Look at the configuration of his lips. There are four main settings:

There’s the single upper lip, where both lips are on one of her upper lips.

There’s the single lower lip, where both lips are on top of her lower lip.

There is the double lip, where the two lips are together and touching.

There’s the open mouth kiss, where both lips are further apart and perhaps their heads are slightly tilted.

The latter often leads to the French kiss, where their tongues dance against each other.

As a general rule, hold the tongue at first. Most women like to kiss slowly, and unless she’s sticking her tongue in your mouth, don’t take the lead until you’ve been modeling her kiss for at least a minute.

Continue modeling your kiss for as long as possible. She imagines that it is a mirroring exercise and that you are mirroring exactly what she is doing.

It also reflects the time it takes her to meet her lips and part them with yours, so that you essentially become like two people with one lip, exploring each other.

Throughout the modeling process, you can gently stroke her hair, tenderly hold her head, or gently stroke her face to add an incredibly delicious moment.

Once you’ve modeled your kiss for a while, you can venture into leading her with your kiss to deepen the passion and exploration.

If you really enjoy slipping your tongue into the kiss, start slowly. You rarely want to stick your tongue in her mouth.

Allow him to lead a bit, especially with something as intrusive as your tongue, and place it at the entrance of your mouth near your lips.

Let her take the lead first by starting to dance with you. You want to hear and feel and join in this dance between the two of you.

Keep your tongue smooth, and after a little exploring, you can gently trace her upper or lower lip with your tongue. This is a great way to test if he wants to join you in the tongue dance.

If her tongue comes out and meets yours, start dancing with the tip of her tongue before committing to her more deeply.

There are several ways to amplify the delight of the kiss. One of the ways is to say things in your head or out loud like “I love kissing you”, or “You are an amazing woman”, or “You are so delicious, I just want to devour you”, etc. .

When you say these things in your head or to her, the power of the kissing variety is magnified.

This is absolutely dynamite. Give it a try, and you’ll know what I mean. This is what will really blow her mind with pleasure and she will melt into you because you are worshiping her the way she has fantasized mirroring how she wants you to kiss her.

To further amplify the delight of the kiss, you can more fully incorporate all the delicacy of touch. Caress her cheeks tenderly when you stop kissing her before kissing her again.

Stroke the back of her head with both hands as you kiss her or move your hands down her back and press her chest against yours or move her lower back into your pelvis depending on the effect you want to create with her.

Coordinate the way you kiss her with the way you masterfully touch her face, hair, neck, and back to create incredibly delicious sensations for her. After modeling enough, change the way you kiss her to create a sizzling combination of pleasure with her.

Enjoy this incredible and magnificent gift that is the kiss, and delve into the many nuances and let it give you both incredible pleasures.

Allow yourself to take two steps forward and one step back, so that you build up the energy gradually. You don’t have to step up and amplify the energy all the time.

Let her know that she’s an amazing kisser and that you really appreciate connecting with her in such a delicious way. Maybe you’ll pause to share some intimate stories and hugs before kissing her again.

Kissing can be so intimate, so juicy and so delicious. It’s an amazing way to continue to create the deep intimacy you have with your woman.

Allow yourself the time, patience, and spaciousness to truly enjoy the work of art that is your kiss.

The best way to learn how to kiss a girl is to spend hours kissing. Imagine you’re back in high school and this is one of the most exciting discoveries you’ve ever made.

Savor every moment of the kiss with her and let this naturally lead you into a deeper sensual and sexual exploration that will leave her speechless.

Mastering the fine art of how to kiss a girl is just the tip of the iceberg to giving your woman absolutely incredible pleasures she doesn’t even know are possible.

Copyright (c) 2008 Neo Young


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