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Materials used to make desks

Furniture is made today with very different materials, both traditional and ultra-modern and even exotic. Each material has its own balance of characteristics and can be used in each specific situation to a greater or lesser degree. Let’s examine some materials that are used in the production of desks.

Natural wood is considered by right the most traditional material for the manufacture of desks. Of course, wooden desks are not made from a certain breed of wood, there are dozens of them. You can choose wood, either very hard (for example, oak or hornbeam) or very beautiful (for example, cherry). It is possible to choose an expensive breed, such as cheap mahogany or pine. Of course, the harder and more beautiful the texture of wood, the more expensive a desk made from it will be. Desks, made of natural wood, as a rule, look very respectable and make a room cozy. To be in use for a long time, these desks need special care, they should not be used in a dusty or humid room.

The next material for desktops is glass. It is true that they rarely make all-glass desks, mostly using combinations of glass with metal or, more rarely, with wood. Glass desks look light, visually they do not take up much space in the room. The glass is perfectly resistant to small scratches and is not afraid of moisture. The biggest disadvantage of glass is its brittleness. True, there are special glasses, they are very strong, made with special technologies, such as automotive glasses. When purchasing a glass desk, require a certificate on the strength of the glass used in it.

Metal desks are not yet widely practiced. They are used above all in cases where conditions do not allow a friendlier use of materials, or in cases where the style called “techno” has become accustomed. Both steel with different coatings and light alloys with aluminum and titanium can be used to manufacture these desks.

Plastic desks can be of any shape, even the fanciest ones, and also of any color. They are light and quite strong. Plastic desks do not require special care and are not very expensive. The only thing you should be concerned about is requiring the seller to provide a certificate confirming the desk’s correspondence with sanitary standards.

I would like to mention one more material, namely artificial stone. Decorating with artificial stone will allow your desk to look very solid. Manufacturers offer a huge variety of dyes, you can choose what you want. Artificial stone is easy to work, which contributes to a wide variety of desks, made from it. Of course, a large beautiful stone desk will look ridiculous on the carpet in a small room, such a table needs furniture appropriate to its weight.


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