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Upper Michigan Sauna a family tradition

If you grew up in UP Michigan, then the tradition of an Upper Michigan sauna was probably a part of your life. This is especially true in what is called the copper country of the western UP. Many of the original houses in places like Trout Creek, Ontonagon, and Calumet had a sauna built into or right next to the house.

In some houses there was neither a bathtub nor a shower, just a traditional sauna. The family sauna was the place where you cleaned yourself up with a good sweat. It was common when taking a sauna in Upper Michigan to get a good sweat and then wash off with a bucket of cold water. Many people would use the sweat from their bodies to soap themselves before washing. The tradition of taking a good hot sauna after working in the forest or in the mine dates back more than 100 years. Our family sauna tradition included one day a month where the family would come together for a sauna. Everyone took turns in the sauna until everyone was settled. Frequently, all the men did a sauna together followed by the women. It was a great family reunion.

An Upper Michigan sauna is heated by a wood stove that was in most cases built in the UP. A rock shelf was built on top of the stove to hold the sauna rocks used to generate radiant heat. Once the sauna reached its preferred temperature, water was poured over the rocks creating steam that raised the felt’s heat even higher. A beer was frequently consumed during the sauna, which increased sweating.

Most of the Upper Michigan saunas were built from northern white cedar. White cedar has a great scent and is a great insulator. Benches were built along the walls for people to sit on. In many cases there were two levels of banks, the top one being the hottest. Many sauna neophytes have been told to sit on the upper bench because that’s where it’s coldest. It wouldn’t be long before they were headed for the door. The door of an Upper Michigan sauna would also be made of cedar because of its light weight and good insulating character. Door hinges are usually made of oak. Frequently, when the temperatures turned warmer, a quick tumble in the snow or a dip in the cold waters of a nearby stream or lake was used to cool off.

Growing up with a sauna in Upper Michigan meant that when you caught a cold or ached from working in the woods you headed to the sauna for relief and healing. Older people with arthritis would use it to relieve their pain and stay flexible. It was a rare fact that the Upper Michigan sauna tradition would keep him healthy both physically and mentally, especially during the long UP winter. There is nothing better than a good sauna in winter.


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