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When saints communicate

Dear friends! Today I would like to tell you about the meaning of the rose that I received from Santa Teresa on October 1st. It was an important event in my life that I also posted about on October 2.

Having received my rose on the fifth day of my novena, I was very curious: what does it mean when a saint we have asked to intercede for us sends us a very specific sign, the sign we ask for? I was really consumed with finding the answer, and I launched into extensive research on the Internet and in books. What I found only confused me even more. Some say that receiving the rose means that our prayer has been heard. Somehow that means our prayer will be answered. But nobody says that receiving the rose means that our wish will be granted.

I began to suspect that I was facing a specific writing dilemma for the language of sentences. While we say “hear my prayer” or “answer my prayer”, what we really ask with these words is that our wish be granted. After all, we don’t say “hear my prayer” because we would like to acknowledge that our voice is audible when we pray; we would like a positive reaction, the delivery of our wish, the fulfillment of our request. And we are expressing this desire with these traditional but somewhat ambiguous words. Also, I was thinking: all prayers are heard simply because they are addressed to heaven. If the rose were a sign that our prayer was heard simply because it was pronounced and audible in heaven, we should be receiving roses every day, many many roses, as many as we said prayers. But though all our prayers are heard, we receive no sign when each and every one of them has reached a divine ear. So, I thought, receiving a rose or any other sign specifically requested from a saint probably means more than that, or else there wouldn’t be much point to the sign given; our wish in prayer must fall somewhere between simply being heard and being automatically granted.

But where exactly is it? I kept thinking about this divine mystery not only because I was prompted by my own request, naturally, but also because it seemed like an interesting question in general: what do the signs from above mean?

You may remember my story about the key I found on the streets of Rome, and one I found while walking in London recently (Feb 2, 2009, Finders, Keepers). I’ve only found these two keys in my life, and when I did, I instantly knew they were a message from above: “You found the key to your question.

The solution you have been asking for is close to you.” And indeed, in the first case, albeit a little later than expected, the perfect solution was found and my wish was granted, more perfectly than I could ever imagine. found recently, so I’m still patiently waiting for my wish to be granted.

The day I arrived in Hungary, I went to my favorite bookstore where, among spiritual books about prayers and saints, God and angels, they also sell candles, rosaries, flowers and cards for all kinds of events. Since I’m most interested in books and candles, I hadn’t even looked at your selection of cards, until now, when the strangest thing happened. As I was telling the man who works there, Andras, my interest in the meaning of the signs above, and as I was telling him the story of the keys and the roses, I happened to glance at the post on the wall where the letters were. they were exhibited. Instantly my eye was caught by a card, a beautiful one that featured a keyhole and three roses. I could not believe what I was watching. This card had all the signs that are so important to me in one image. I took it out of the holder, and when I read the message printed on it, my eyes filled with tears. Above the keyhole and the roses, the card read:

And the Lord spoke: “You have earned my good will, and I know you by name” (Exodus 33.17)

This was the answer I was looking for too fervently! Now, of course, there are translations of this passage that convey a stronger promise, like “I will do the same as you have asked because I am pleased with you…”, but I am super happy with God’s good will towards my request. The word goodwill here perfectly describes what the sign represents: our desire is seen with good eyes and everything possible will be done to make it manifest at the most perfect moment. While I feel this is extremely encouraging, I don’t feel like it implies an automatic gift or donation; The conditions must be met, and this may very possibly include my own spiritual development, growth and perseverance in faith, and trust in the divine plan. Our desire is favored and we are encouraged to perfect our soul.

I hope this has been helpful to all of you who have received a rose from Saint Teresa. Tomorrow I will tell you about the new novena to her that I am doing now.

You must be preparing to go to the office soon. Have a wonderful day full of hope.


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