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Real Estate

Who does your real estate agent serve?

It pays to shop around and select the right real estate agent for you and your specific needs, goals, priorities, and circumstances! After all, for most of us, our home represents our greatest financial asset, so doesn’t it make sense to act prudently? Whether you are an existing homeowner looking to sell your home, or a qualified potential buyer who you choose to represent you is generally relevant, significant and necessary! So, after more than a decade as a licensed real estate salesperson in New York State, I’ve convinced myself that it’s wise to take the time, early in the process, to properly identify who’s best for you. , to make the whole process easier, less stressful and successful. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, review, examine, and discuss some of the relevant considerations you need to make.

1. Interview potential agents: Too many people take the process too lightly! Before you begin, know what you want and what you need, and create a priority list, ranking items from most important to just a wish list. Start by talking to neighbors and asking for recommendations. However, while a particular agent might have been great for someone else, it might not be for you! You need a upset, proactive agent for light a fire, under you, or do you prefer, a quality listener? How will you assess an agent’s skills, such as in the area of ​​negotiation? Some sellers focus on commission, a particular agent’s requests, but instead of making that their top priority, they take a close look at how well someone justifies their request, because if you can’t negotiate successfully, on your own Name. , how will it do it, in yours? Take these interviews seriously and discover someone who listens more than they talk and eschews a one-size-fits-all approach.

two. To whom are the interests served? It can be a challenge to identify whose interests someone prioritizes and caters to. Look for someone, who shows, he will put his interests ahead of making his commission!

3. Earn Trust and Maintain Ethics, Integrity, and Fiduciary Loyalty: Your agent must earn your trust, not by his rhetoric and promises, but by his attitude and actions! Agents must uphold the highest professional ethics, respect your needs, maintain fiduciary loyalty, and realize that you must put your clients’ best interests before your own.

When you find the real estate agent you need and deserve, your buying or selling experience becomes much less stressful and much more enjoyable. Protect your greatest financial asset by choosing wisely!


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