
Who runs the world? Tech.

Month: August 2021

Diet and Exercise: Lose Fat and Sagging With Fun Weight Loss Exercises

Starting a new diet and exercise program? Exercise is vital when you are on a diet – exercise will not only help you feel better, but it will also help you stick with your diet. Exercise doesn’t have to be…

The complexities of the law firm’s hierarchical order

Working in a law firm is like no other business entity. Law firms are generally a conservative workplace. While many companies have embraced the idiosyncrasies of the younger generation, these firms frown on strange hair color, nose rings, and tattoos….

Cure acne with these 6 home remedies

Your skin represents the health of your body. Radiant skin shows great care, a healthy diet, and hydration. Skin with blackheads, whiteheads, and other problems is an indicator of oxidative damage, hormonal imbalances, and poor nutrition. Chronic acne and breakouts…

Forced exercise of your puppy or dog can cause serious injury and permanent damage

How many times have you heard, “We have the puppy or the dog, to go jogging with me or my …” Many exercise enthusiasts would love nothing more than exercising with their pet. They imagine themselves keeping fit not to…

Online Advice for the Real Estate Industry – Email Scam Alert

Consider a recently identified email-based scam that appears to have raised your interest in the online real estate industry. At this point, we don’t know if it’s a relatively innocent attempt to collect personal information, identity theft, or if the…

Would you spend $ 1,000 on a smartphone?

Apple is ready to launch its highly anticipated iPhone 8. Reportedly, the phone will have all sorts of new features and a new design. It will take the device to a new level in looks and performance. The price could…

Campfire Cooking Recipes – Breakfast

Ah, there’s nothing like waking up in the desert, to the smells and sounds of bacon sizzling over a campfire. But if you are the breadwinner and the provider of the family, nothing will wake you from your deep sleep…

Moscatel: the oldest variety of grapes in the world

There are six main varieties of Muscat wine that come from the oldest grape variety in the world, of which there are more than 200 derivatives. The colors of the grapes range from white to almost black and they all…

Dirty Red exclusive interview

1. How did you come up with the nickname Dirty Red? I was in the studio with Eazy-E and we were about to shoot the promo for the Ruthless Radio Show and I was doing the intro. The name “Red”…

Hacking expert witness: US indicts eight in hacking scheme

This supposedly started in 2011, when several bank accounts such as: Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, PayPal, US Military Defense Finance and 11 other banks had their accounts compromised. Once inside these accounts, the hackers set up a payment that was…