
Who runs the world? Tech.

Month: November 2022

The bridge between digital marketing and e-commerce

Bill Gates once said: “The Internet is becoming the square of the global village of tomorrow.” Believe it or not, it is very true. Electronic commerce is the commercial transaction that is carried out completely online, that is, every time…

How to finance your business in 2018

Contrary to popular belief, business plans do not generate business financing. It’s true that there are many types of financing options that require a business plan, but no one invests in a business plan. Investors need a business plan as…

To fight cavities, drink more coffee

Scientists have known for years that coffee has chemical properties that prevent cavities. This finding seems to go against common sense. After all, doesn’t coffee stain teeth? To be fair, yes, coffee can stain a person’s teeth or dentures. Coffee…

Economic development

Readers and viewers should be familiar with the basic concepts and principles of economic development. After this, the economic problems and development strategies applied in this article will be addressed. The next part is development policies and programs that have…

life size cardboard jokes

Jokes. Either you love them, or you hate them. For those of you who love them, a great prop to use for various pranks is life-size cardboard standups. These are great resources to use when looking for a good prank…

Boost your immune system

An immune system is nothing more than a group of mechanisms present within every living organism that further helps protect against any disease by recognizing and killing tumor cells. In simple terms, our immune system is a mechanism to fight…

The definition of online personal branding and how it can help you

Personal branding is the art of attracting and keeping more opportunities by actively shaping public perception. You can control how you are perceived by the community you serve. Oprah, Tiger, Madonna – they soon realized that talent alone would not…

Exploring Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is the perfect vacation destination for people who have seen it all! There is sure to be something in Papua to impress even the most seasoned traveler. The scenery remains the same as it has been for…

Hiccup! Why does my puppy or dog get them?

Hiccups are usually harmless and are rarely serious. Basically, the source is spasms of the diaphragm. This can be caused by excitement, eating too fast, irritants, or stress. Puppies that hiccup usually do so first thing in the morning after…

24-hour locksmith service: comfortable and fast

A 24 hour locksmith service is a must have on speed dial. It’s definitely helpful to have the number available when you need to duplicate your keys during work hours or if you’re locked out of your car or home…