
Who runs the world? Tech.

Month: October 2021

RATES ARE LOW, but is refinancing a bad idea?

Record low interest rates create another refinancing boom. Banks and brokers profit big, but what about you and me? Just because you lower your interest rate does not mean that you are saving money. Refinancing could look good and still…

Kurt Johannsen, Engineer Extraordinary

The late Kurt Johannsen of Alice Springs ran a trucking service through the Central Australian outback in the 1950s. It was a trucking service with a difference, and that difference was Big Bertha, a former Australian Army truck from Diamond…

E-commerce tools

For an ecommerce website to be successful in today’s competitive landscape, several factors must be considered. Here are the common factors that help ecommerce success. E-commerce software: WordPress, Shopify, Magento Each platform has its own pros and cons, including complexity…

Gifts to get your boyfriend back when you try to get him back

Whether your boyfriend has already left or if the signs are in the air, you will want to know what are the best gifts to get your boyfriend when things are not going so well. The first thing to remember…

Life without mobile devices: 9 ways to regain control of your lives, loves and relationships

Distraction is a killer! Distraction kills both people and relationships. The evidence for this increases daily; ignore it at your own risk. The average amount of time each of us spends in the cyber world is between five and six…

3 easy steps to fast and long-lasting weight loss

3 steps to lose weight that will last When it comes to losing weight, there are no magic pills or secret diets that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. But you can achieve your goals with these 3…

Voting Rights Act of 1965: Rev. George Lee Remembered

Belzoni, Mississippi, a small Delta town once known for Saturday night lynchings and shootings, survived a tornado after Hurricane Katrina. “We are here in the Delta, far from the coast where they really got it. We didn’t have the hurricane,…

Fit dogs vs. unfit dogs or why some dogs obey better than others

Dogs are instinctively hunters and scavengers, some are given more than others. Even today, the genes of certain breeds scream incessantly from the adrenaline rush of the stimulation of the chase and the thrill of the victory of their hunt….

Practice your English with free video conferences

Do you want to learn how to improve your English speaking skills through a detailed lesson plan without leaving the comfort of your home? You can do this by using Google Hangout or other video chat sites that offer free…

You bought a renter-occupied property but don’t know anything about the property management

Uh oh. But it is not uncommon. Let me start by saying that managing your own properties is the way to go. Why? Because you must know the laws and what you can and cannot do as a homeowner. You…