
Who runs the world? Tech.

Month: April 2022

The miracles of a mother’s love

Many of us grew up in that wonderful safe environment, at home, so dear to our mothers. We experience the warmth and words of encouragement from our mother so generously showered on us, usually on a daily basis. Whenever we…

Mobile app development trends that will continue to dominate in 2017

The tremendous increase in the use of smartphones over the years has left everyone in awe. If you are a digital marketer or mobile app development company, you know how fast this field is changing and evolving. Mobile apps expanded…

Could this be the ultimate glute workout?

This is what we women want to know. How to get a great butt, fast, with what really works, in the long term and no matter our age. Let’s be honest; it is the Holy Grail that we constantly seek….

Turtle Ears – Does your pet turtle recognize your voice?

A turtle drawing, with a simple question scrawled across the bottom, “Where are the turtle ears?” it arrived on my desk the other day. The drawing, sketched by a small child, showed the tortoise without ears. The boy asked me…

Six Figure Mentor Review: What Does It Take to Succeed?

I joined SFM in 2014. At the time, it had only been running for four years. I didn’t know what to expect, but I had been burned several times online with a series of business-type courses that promised to help…

Dell Precision 5820 review: Find out why this monster of a machine is perfect for 3D projects

Many people are worried about the cost of the new Dell Precision 5820 workstation tower, although there is really no reason for it. Since there are so many configuration options, the price varies considerably. Plus, Dell discounts are easy to…

Are Verisign and other RFID chips the “mark” of the beast of the Apocalypse?

You may or may not know it, but the government wants to label you an animal. This is not science fiction! This is already happening in the US by the millions, through small RFID chips (Verisign, Mondex, PositiveID, etc.). We…


Is Keratin Shampoo Good For Your Hair?

Keratin Shampoo Good For Your Hair A few people wonder if keratin shampoo is good for their hair. While the ingredient is very beneficial to the health of your tresses, excessive use can leave them sticky and brittle. This oil…