
Who runs the world? Tech.

Month: September 2022

Property Management Fees: A Necessary Investment to Address Issues

Giving a house or a part of the house for rent is one of the common practices followed by humanity for years. It can also be said that giving a property for rent is the source of obtaining additional income…

Fitbit, fun, forensics and enemies

Did you track your 10,000 steps today? Has anyone else tracked them down? Fitness trackers are big business, helping people get and stay fit and helping them share their progress with friends and sometimes strangers. Probably the best known of…

The Beginning of New Jersey Networks

The New Jersey Nets franchise was founded in 1967 to begin play with the new American Basketball Association (ABA). Despite being located in the largest metropolitan area in the United States, the first few years were extremely difficult for the…


What is the Easiest Hot Tub Company to Maintain?

Easiest Hot Tub Company There are several ways to ensure your hot tub is kept in good condition. First, always clear the way for delivery. Next, make sure your yard is free of debris and pet waste. Finally, schedule an…

Is it too late to get his wife back? here is the honest truth

“Can I get my wife back? Can I save my marriage? Everything I’ve done has only pushed her away…” As I’m sure you already know, divorce rates are at an all-time high in the United States and around the world….

Family Caregiver – Part 6 – Traveling with an Elderly Disabled Patient in a Wheelchair

1. Traveling with a patient in a wheelchair requires advance planning. Even short trips require having things on hand that may be needed at short notice, or your wheelchair or scooter, or both or urinary, or catheter or car seat…

Life in the workplace, post-Covid

Post-COVID pandemic, as many states move from the red zone to the yellow zone, many will re-assimilate into their office space, warehouse, restaurant, etc. previous. While some will return (hopefully) with a new attitude and a positive outlook on life,…

Invest in properties in Cyprus

If you are thinking of investing in Cyprus, now is the time to do it. Buying property in Cyprus could be a great investment, especially for those who want a vacation home or investment property. With ambitious plans to build…

How to display RSS feeds on your website

This article is intended as a guide for webmasters who want to display automatically updated content on their website in the form of RSS feeds. In this article, I will cover the easiest method to implement using javascript to display…

The enduring nature of love

Love Endures and we remember this idea during this month of February, when Valentine’s Day is celebrated. Today, people buy cards and send electronic greetings to their loved ones. But long ago, people expressed their love through mail or letters…