
Who runs the world? Tech.


Critical Thinking: How can someone change the world by ‘healing their inner wounds’?

According to Robert Johnson, a Jung analyst and author, Carl Jung was often asked whether humanity would survive. Here’s what Robert had to say regarding this question: “People often asked Dr. Jung, ‘Will we make it?’ Referring to the cataclysm…

Busy Moms – Get Your Kids to Eat Vegetables – 4 Top Ways (& 1 Hack Not to Use)

What’s even more important than getting your kids to eat vegetables? Get your kids to eat and ENJOY vegetables! These are proven to be the best ways to increase the chances that your children will eat and ENJOY vegetables. Also,…

High level of estrogen? The 5 main symptoms

High estrogen levels are not a very popular topic for menopausal women these days. In fact, the hottest topic in menopause is low estrogen, but what about all the women who experience high estrogen symptoms? Typically, women in perimenopause (the…

The parable of the 2×4

When I write the story of my life, I would like to give it the title: “The parable of the 2 x 4”. To understand why, let me share a story about a farmer and his mule. The author of…

PS4 vs PC graphics comparison

The Sony PlayStation 4 game console shares much of its hardware technology with the personal computer. We take a look at how it compares to a gaming computer in terms of price and performance. The PS4 uses a graphics processing…

Baseball misconceptions, correct hitting techniques – Ever heard of Squish the Bug?

Baseball batting technique out of the question! Have you heard of crushing the bug? Sometimes in sports, as in life, we do things and we don’t really know why. Our techniques and responses have been ingrained in us for so…

Central Park attractions for new tourists in New York

Visitors to New York City have many things to explore, including its impressive museums, architecture, food venues, and shopping malls. However, first-time visitors to the city and surrounding areas don’t miss Central Park. This comprised 843 acres on the island…

DC Shoes – Where can I find the best ranges?

Trainers fans will be familiar with DC Shoes. They have been around for over ten years. They are very popular with fans of extreme sports and now urban fashion lovers wear them too. DC specializes in footwear for sports including…

MMOG Coin Revolution

MMOG coins were first introduced from the popular EverQuest (EQ) game with its “platinum” coin, also known as “plat”. Since the first pioneers in selling dishes on Ebay, many have argued and disapproved of those who have ever bought dishes…

Controlled and uncontrolled waiting time and payment

A California employee may or may not be exempt. An exempt employee occupies an administrative, executive, professional, or outside sales position, and is not entitled to pay for waiting or on-call time. Any other employee is not exempt and entitled…