
Who runs the world? Tech.

Digital Marketing

RSS Benefits for Businesses

Many small business owners have a slight understanding of the benefits of syndicating their content, but not everyone knows exactly what to do to achieve success. In fact, success is not as easy as setting up a blog to generate…

How to Add a Festive Flair to Your Website for the Holidays

8 Simple Seasonal Website Branding Tips Are you decking your house with holly, stringing lights on your porch, and placing Santa Claus in your front yard? For many people, it’s time to start celebrating the most wonderful time of the…

How to Select the Right Type of Specialty Paper for Gift Wrapping

Gift wrapping is an art and a hobby. But to do it well and professionally, it means that you have to practice and experience learning for yourself. One of the simplest yet challenging tasks of gift wrapping is the ability…

Save money on gas: the octane factor

With the price of gasoline these days (over $3.00 per gallon as of this writing), most people They are feeling the financial pressure and are wondering what they can do to reduce their gas costs. This article presents one of…

The benefit of newsletter subscription for your blog and website

A good blog is a blog that regularly sends updates to its reader. Before reading this post, think about and answer these questions with your own. Do you have a list of your readers? Do you update your readers about…

Effective keyword research for the best search engine optimization results

Keyword research is an essential part of the search engine optimization process, which will help your website achieve high ranking results on Google and other search engines. Most people get it wrong when it comes to utilizing and maximizing the…

Ten directories to help follow on Twitter and get followers

People can be found on Twitter to continue using “find people”, if the potential follower knows your name or account or if they allow your email as a search reference. Another way to find people is if they enter a…

Organic Search Engine Optimization for Local Business Owners

I have been in online marketing for over a decade and have seen first hand the changes that have taken place, especially in regards to Google and its algorithm updates, and I am sure many of you will be afraid…

I don’t know what I don’t know

As a newspaper reporter, I was occasionally assigned to report on a topic I didn’t know well. I learned that if you didn’t know what questions to ask, you risked being tricked. When these assignments came my way, I was…

The eight great spelling rules

Although the American English spelling system has evolved from many sources, there are specific patterns worth learning. These spelling patterns, or spelling rules, have exceptions; however, they are minimal. It is always efficient to memorize the rule, rather than all…