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Legal Law

How does the GST-HST work?

History Before GST, taxes were levied on goods that were manufactured. The service industry in Canada was much smaller than it is today, and manufacturing dominated the economy. This tax was also buried in the price of the goods and…

3 Lawsuits Changing the Landscape of California Employment Law

Labor lawsuits have soared to their highest peak in history, with nearly 100,000 claim filings in 2010, according to the EEOC. Incredibly, that number reflects a 31% increase from just 4 years ago! There is an endless stream of new…

How to make email marketing work

Email marketing is one of the most important and effective forms of marketing ever invented. The conversion rate for proper email approaches 4-7% over time. This is because a new customer needs to see a brand 7-8 times before they…

Enjoy your all-inclusive holiday in Austria

Many tourists flock to Austria each year, and this grows in number during the holidays. Austria is a beautiful country that is rich in history, places to see, and is home to exquisite traditions that many travelers dream of being…

advance fees

Before hiring an Illinois lawyer, you should always have an honest and direct discussion about how you will be paid. An attorney’s billing method, as well as fees, depend on the amount of time spent working on your case, as…

Design your own Christmas dress

Preparation for costume design You don’t need to join a fashion design institute for that! Just give your imagination wings and you will see the wonders it does! It may be that you have a long-standing desire to wear a…

Customer service is FREE!

A few years ago, Philip Crosby wrote a best-selling book, QUALITY IS FREE. Countering the perception that producing flawless products is expensive, Crosby demonstrates that the savings achieved, especially in manufacturing, by doing something right the first time and by…

Using keywords in your engineering job search

Undoubtedly, there is now much more competition for each job. The recession has been exceptionally hard on certain professions, especially civil engineering. The number of new jobs has been low compared to the number of job seekers. In this environment,…

Legal Recruitment: How to Explain Bad Ratings

As a practicing attorney who regularly volunteers at a couple of local law schools, I spend a fair amount of time advising students. A question I often get during recruiting season is, “How can I explain to interviewers why my…

Law Enforcement Articles: The Need for Interview and Interrogation Training

At no time in our modern history have more demands been placed on the law enforcement officer. Communities are extremely concerned about crime and are demanding that law enforcement agencies “do something about it.” It seems like every day, violent…