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Lifestyle Fashion

What can I say to show my spouse that our marriage is worth saving?

Sometimes I hear from wives who feel that they have the almost impossible task of saving their marriage all alone because they are the only ones who believe that saving the marriage is worth the effort. Your husband has told…

When you were born? The Frog Clan in Native American Astrology

If you were born during one of the three date ranges listed in this article, you are a member of the frog clan, according to Native American astrology. In Native American spirituality, animals of power and spirit connect with us,…

Yes, you can make canned soup taste like homemade!

Minnesota has been frozen for months, with temperatures of minus 20 degrees and wind chills of minus 45 to 50 degrees. Although the evening television news is replete with stories about frozen pipes, the broadcasts have not mentioned ice picking…

Hair brush information

Beautiful hair is a plus for any woman. It is an indication of your health and individuality. There are some women who are endowed with naturally beautiful hair, while others have to go to great lengths to achieve and maintain…

How to get rid of moles on the face and not leave a scar

There are many things to consider when looking to get rid of moles on your face. For me a big concern was how to get rid of the moles on her face without leaving a noticeable scar. I have seen…

Rejuvenation: the aging face

With normal aging, the skin begins to lose some elasticity. Fatty tissue is lost on the cheekbones. The lines around the mouth (nasolabial folds) become more prominent. The skin is often loosened in the cheek and jaw areas. The skin…

New years eve at home

Caring for an older person, whether as a professional caregiver or as a spouse or adult child of an older person in need of care, requires a lot of energy at any time of the year. The holidays are no…

What’s in Ganges Dream?

Holy basil Considered an “Elixir of Life”, holy basil is believed to promote longevity. It is a nerve tonic that also sharpens memory, while reducing stress and elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and also helps promote physical and…

Eliminate stagnation in your life: prayers that deal with the spirit of stagnation

How do you know if it is stagnant? Here are some signs ยท If you have been experiencing chronic procrastination in your goals. If you never feel like doing anything. If you keep turning to sleeping, eating, playing, mindless activities…

Taking the father: children of sperm donors and family constellations

Life is what happens When you are busy Making other plans. -John Lennon The meeting of a sperm and an egg results in a baby, whether it is a body-to-body encounter, in vitro fertilization, surrogate mothers, or sperm donor fathers….