
Who runs the world? Tech.


The Corner of Pax, West Virginia – Restaurant Review

Pax, West Virginia is home to The Corner, formerly known as Kelly’s Korner, a family-owned restaurant serving delicious country fare. You won’t find anything fancy on the menu or as a daily special. What you’ll find are TLC-prepared hot dogs,…

15 tips for better baby sleep

One of the most rewarding things as a new parent is listening to the sweet sounds of silence; that is, your baby sleeping peacefully! Each baby is unique in her sleep habits, and it can be difficult for parents to…

Christmas Celebration and Gift Exchange: An Indian Perspective

India is a secular country. People of almost all religions live here in peace. They have different kinds of festivals, rituals, and religious events. Durga Puja, Diwali, Eid-Ul-Fitr, Chat Puja, Ganesh Chaturthi, Gurupurab, Onam and Bihu are the most important…

The truth about late teething

Has your child turned one year with no signs of teeth? Are you worried that there might be something seriously wrong because her child hasn’t had hers yet? While worrying is a parent’s job, some kinds of worry including late…

How many calories per day should I have to lose fat?

To find out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight, you must first know how many calories you burn each day. This is known as your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) or your maintenance level. A person’s…

Hawaii Kids Clubs

Aulani, at Disney Resort & Spa, Oahu Aulani has Aunty’s Beach House, which caters for children from 3 to 12 years old (as long as they know how to use the bathroom). This complimentary kids’ club has a movie theater,…

Baby Shower Gifts – Presentation Is A Bonus!

Are you invited to a baby shower? Then you must bring something special for the mom-to-be. Presentation is an advantage when giving a gift to a dear friend. Before wrapping the gift, you must first know the gender of the…

The benefits of daily exercise: what you should know

Exercise always conjures up images of tedious and boring sets and repetitions. Even if the fitness requirement is only a scant thirty minutes a day, it can be difficult to stick to a regular walking or jogging regimen, especially when…

Housing expansion: Seven investments in housing remodeling

Making the most of your home is the theory in our country right now. It used to be every five years that people could upgrade, but now with the impact on the housing community, people are staying and getting the…

How to implement speech therapy during the summer months

For children who have articulation problems, it is important that they practice speaking and language as much as possible. This often means that parents need to plan some activities while their child is out of school for the summer to…