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Short Story Writing: Ten Principles to Avoid

Just as editors don’t want to see an ending they’ve seen before, likewise, there are some story beginnings that have been killed. Here are ten you shouldn’t use. “It was a dark and stormy night.” The “weather report” tactic. Not…

Mother and Son Sculpture: Explains the bond between mother and son

When a child is formed in the womb of a mother, there is a connection that begins to be nurtured and can never be broken. Cutting the umbilical cord will never separate a mother’s love for her child. This personification…

The pros and cons of exercise and pregnancy

Doctors report that frequent and regular exercise has numerous health benefits for almost everyone, and pregnant women are no exception. Of course, there are risks involved, but with planning and regular consultation with your doctor, the benefits far outweigh the…

indian patent

The Government of India met the December 31 deadline to fulfill its obligation to the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the TRIPs agreement, by enacting an Ordinance – The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004 followed by the Act – Patents (Amendment)…

Ayurvedic Tips for Kapha Season

Based on ancient texts called the Vedas, Ayurveda is a holistic health system from India. It is known as the “Science of Life”. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of creating and maintaining health through proper diet, daily and seasonal routines, exercise,…

3 Rules for Creating Leads for MLM Distributors in Your Local Market

It’s predictable, you get involved with an MLM opportunity, you surprise people you know to learn about your products and opportunities…NOW WHAT? How do you find more people to talk to? Unfortunately, a lot of newbie distributors start buying MLM…

Weekly Review: Toradora!

Oh Todora. what a cute anime This show is one of the run-of-the-mill anime shows that focuses on high school students on their daily adventures. Except the anime does something a little different. Right off the bat, we can tell…

I’ll soon be dead: where do I go from here?

84 years I will soon be dead. Where do I go from here? I just turned eighty-three. It’s time to start thinking about the inevitable. I read the obituaries every day and I realize that, little by little, I am…

Homemade sex toys for men to enjoy

When it comes to masturbation, some guys are never bored. Whether it’s because they love the way their hand feels or because they practice different gripping and rhythm techniques, more power to them. But, for some guys, the same old…

Holidays in Cyprus – The Island of the Sun

Cyprus, officially known as the Republic of Cyprus, is well known for its sunny ecstasy and is one of the world’s top tourist destinations. Going on vacation to Cyprus is always a great idea, whether you are making a plan…