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4 steps to create more "Me" Time

With all your commitments and obligations, it can feel like there are never enough hours in a day to get everything done. Finding time for yourself is simply out of the question, but “me” time is important to your overall health. How do you find a few minutes in your busy schedule to do something for yourself? There are four steps that can help you create at least 30 minutes each day for yourself. The four steps to “I” time are:

o Look at the library or online for typical activities that people do on their own. For example, going to the gym, meditation, a hobby, writing in a journal, taking a bubble bath, and getting a massage.

o Make your own wish list of some things you would really like to have time to do. These should be activities that give you pleasure or rest.

o Make a list of all the hours you are awake and write down what you do during each of those hours.

o Review your wish list and your activities by the hour. Try to find some activities that you can eliminate or delegate. Work on this until you have scheduled at least 30 minutes each day for “me.”

You should be able to find at least thirty minutes each day that you can use to do the things on your wish list. Schedule this time each day and make it part of your daily routine. Now you have created time every day to do things that give you pleasure or are relaxing.

Remember that it is okay to be selfish for at least 30 minutes each day. You need this time to be a happy and healthy person. Save this time carefully so that other obligations and activities do not take it away from you.

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