
Who runs the world? Tech.


Aliens are interested in us

Anyone who is interested in UFOs and the alien question knows what a Gray is. These are the beings that are short, have large heads, large black eyes, and slender bodies. There are many references to them in our history, art and in our stories. The Byzantine Empire existed from AD 330 to AD 1453. You might be wondering what these two facts could have in common. I have a reason to mention both. I have recently come across an artifact. The artifact is a small Byzantine cross, the type that hangs on a chain around the neck. The cross is really a crucifix, but one with a big difference. This crucifix does not have the Christ, it has a gray crucifix. I don’t know how old it is, but it’s clearly old. At first I thought it might have been an image that was so worn that it only looked that way, but upon closer examination of the figure, it can be clearly seen that the shape of the head is bulbous and not the shape of a human head. , but conforms to the accepted shape of the head of a grey. The eyes look very large and appear to be the same shape that we have imagined Gray’s eyes to look like. There is a link at the end of this article to photos of the Gray.

The figure on the crucifix appears to be dressed in some type of robe, which is also not traditional. It’s hard to tell what material the crucifix is ​​made of, but a cursory inspection makes me think it’s bronze. If the crucifix is ​​what it appears to be, a depiction of Gray being crucified, why was it created? Is there some kind of message here? Another question to ask yourself is, was it made by a human? It amazes me that no one else has paid attention to this artifact during the at least 600 years of its existence. It could even be up to 1,800 years old. There are many strange artifacts in the world, and frankly, I didn’t expect to find one.

Speaking of weird stuff, I’d like to go back to talking about the Black Knight satellite. The satellite is named after a British satellite launch, but has nothing to do with it. Nikola Tesla stated that he had intercepted radio signals from space in 1899. He had no idea where they came from and a few years later, Marconi also intercepted radio signals from space. Today, most believe that both intercepts were of the same object. There is a lot of history about the Black Knight satellite. While some say it was first seen optically just before the turn of the 20th century, most think the Soviets were the first to spot it as it passed by Sputnik. The problem was that sometimes it could be detected and other times it couldn’t be found. On top of that, there were times when more than one satellite was found. These satellites were orbiting in the opposite direction to the travel of human-launched satellites. They were also traveling up to three times faster than our satellites. The first Defense Department report contained the approximate size and weight of the Black Knight satellite, which was about 19 feet long and about 32,000 pounds. The report came out at a time when we weren’t capable of launching anything of that size. The object was in a polar orbit.

The government knew all this, but began to cover up the facts by claiming that this satellite was just one that we launched. They said it was Discoverer V. Discoverer V weighed only 450 pounds and only stayed in orbit for about two months. The satellite we call Black Knight has been estimated to have been in orbit for at least 13,000 years. Some say it is even older. I must admit I’d like to know how someone could date it, but more on that later, from what I can see we probably only know for sure that it was there since Tesla got a signal and even then we can’t be sure it came from there. There are many stories about this satellite, but one that I find quite interesting is a story that claims that the message the satellite is broadcasting has been decrypted. The following was said to be the message:
“Start here. Our home is Upsilon Bootes, which is a double star. We live on the sixth planet of seven from the sun, which is the larger of the two. Our sixth planet has one moon. Our fourth planet has three. Our The first and third planets each have one.Our probe is at the position of Arcturus, known from our maps.

The description given by the probe has been said to match the positions of the planets in Upsilon Bootes 13,000 years ago, and therefore the estimated age. So why would another culture put such a satellite in orbit around a planet, especially when the planet was supposedly inhabited by cavemen? I suppose there could be several reasons why. One reason could be that we were much more advanced in ancient times than we have been told. Another reason might be that they wanted to see our progress and felt that when we had reached a point where we could travel to meet them we would be ready to join them in some sort of confederation. There is also the possibility, if the probe is really 13,000 years old, the race it feels no longer exists.

The Black Knight satellite has become something of a cult object. The stories about it keep coming and have probably added a lot of fiction to the discovery. The probe is there, and for all we know, the last secret missions of our new spacecraft, the X-37B, might have had something to do with finding out more about the Black Knight. I’m not saying it does, just that it could be. This also makes me wonder if any of the space shuttle flights investigated it. There is at least one more thing we have to wonder about. If he is 13,000 years old, couldn’t the race that sent him have also progressed and now routinely send ships to this planet? They could explain at least some of the UFO sightings.


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