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Blizzcon Murloc Costume – Everybody Wants to Do the Murloc Dance

Blizzard’s Annual Convention, BlizzCon, wrapped up last weekend and the player world and eBay are already ablaze with the exclusive World of Warcraft promotion delivered to BlizzCon attendees. That item is the murloc suit. But that wasn’t the only sweet swag that attendees could get with their goody bags. Blizzard also gave away the beta key for an upcoming game of theirs. These two pieces of loot came in the form of a gift card. Both codes for Murloc Suit and Beta Key are revealed by scratching the back of the card.

The murloc suit is basically a costume that your character can use in-game as a costume. It comes with a Blizzcon flag that flies when you run. The costume also has some of its own gestures and actions, including a little dance (more like flailing) and jumping (more like falling).

How to redeem your Murloc continues?

Once you have your BlizzCon gift card or have received the codes from an eBay seller, scratch off and enter the code on the website, BlizzCon.com/beta. After redemption, you will get a special code that you use in the game. Before redeeming the code, be sure to disable any Warcraft add-ons you may be running as they often prevent redemption from working properly. The best thing to do is deactivate your mods, log out of the game, log back in, and then redeem your Murloc suit.

If you run Horde, take that code and give it to the vendor at Orgrimmar. He’s near the fisherman and he’s a murloc. For Alliance characters, you should be able to redeem it from the Murloc in Ironforge that is near the warlock trainer.

How do I get my own Murloc suit?

If you didn’t go to BlizzCon, don’t worry, there are plenty of people in attendance who don’t mind having a murloc costume or prefer to have their cash pretty green. So you should be able to get a Murloc suit redemption code easily on Ebay. Just be sure to check the auction details. Some sellers are selling the physical gift card with both redemption codes un-scratched, some only selling the Murloc redemption code, and some only selling the Beta key code for the new Blizzard game. If you want both codes, please verify that both are included in the auction.


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