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Health Fitness

Butt exercises for a fuller, curvier butt!

The best glute exercises!!

Between my extensive research and my own experiences, I’ve put together comprehensive techniques to help build those muscles in your glutes (glutes)!

The butt muscle is one of the largest muscles in your body. That muscle can be worked and enlarged just like any other muscle in your body. Staying consistent on your quest to get a bigger butt is one of the most important steps to growing that muscle. When I train, my main goal is no longer to “make my butt bigger” (it’s already big enough), my goal is to keep it firm, up and round. But if you want a bigger butt, here are some good ways to work towards it:

1. 5-10 min warm-up and light stretching:

The heating causes the blood to flow throughout the body. Stretching before a workout helps you get going (at least it does for me) and prepares your muscles for a great workout. The hamstrings, quads, lower back, and calves are good areas to stretch when working your gluteal muscles because they help with flexibility, therefore a greater range of motion, and also help the tissues more elastic around the gluteal muscles, giving them more room to grow. Stretching during and after a workout is also good. Some people believe that stretching before a workout is not as effective as stretching after a workout. It’s a very debatable topic so in that case I usually do what feels good for my body.

2. Repetitions and weights:

In building muscle, I’ve learned to keep my reps (how many times I do an exercise) between 6 and 12 reps, while gradually increasing the amount of weight I’m using. Never start heavy, start light and listen to your body! Start with weights that are comfortable enough for you to finish your 6-12 reps with no problem. Gradually work your way up to a weight that you feel is really challenging your muscles. Avoiding injury comes with safety, and safety starts with learning how to strength train correctly. Consult a certified personal trainer when in doubt!

3. Type of exercise:

Exercises I recommend for the glutes: leg presses, squats, hip extensions, lunges, leg curls, cable kickbacks/kickbacks, hyperextensions, hip extension, and stair steps. All of these are great exercises to strengthen your glutes and also work your thighs. You can start these exercises with little or no weight until you feel your body is comfortable, stable, and in proper form. The amount of weight, number of sets and repetitions, duration and sessions per week are always determined by your own personal goals. When in doubt, I always suggest consulting a certified personal trainer.

4. Eat:

I never suggest training on an empty stomach nor do I suggest training on a full stomach. Your body needs fuel to function, and that fuel comes from what we eat and drink. If you’re a person who normally sticks to eating healthy, balanced meals on a regular basis, then your reserved energy supply will probably help you get through your workout without a hitch.

Getting healthy, balanced nutrition and not skipping meals is the key to helping build a bigger butt. Building muscle the right way means making sure your body is getting the right amount of nutrients like carbs, protein, and fat (yes, fat). The amount of nutrients each individual needs is best determined by a nutritionist and/or personal trainer. Each person’s nutritional needs may vary in particular due to age, gender, genetics, weight and health history. Nutrition and what you eat doesn’t affect everyone equally, even if two people eat the exact same foods and serving sizes. When you exercise, your body may require slightly more nutrients than normal because when you exercise you are depleting more nutrients from your body than when you don’t exercise and are sedentary. Keeping your body hydrated with fluids (water) before and after your workout is great for everyone.

5. Rest and Repair:

After an intense glute pumping session, allowing those muscles to rest and repair is just as imperative as the actual workout. Not allowing muscles to rest and repair themselves after excessive stress defeats the purpose at hand. When you’re stressing your muscles to make them grow, keep in mind that you’re actually causing microscopic tears in them. Therefore, it is very important to allocate enough time for the muscle to heal and repair itself. I usually give myself 2-3 days off, depending on how hard I train, to rest my muscles and let them grow. Trying to go to the gym and work on sore muscles is no good! It’s like hitting something that’s already dead. GIVE THEM TIME TO HEAL TO BECOME STRONGER AND BIGGER!!

***Consulting a trained fitness professional, physician, and nutritionist is what I always recommend when beginning any exercise regimen or diet program.


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