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Can you be, personally, OBJECTIVE and introspective?

One of the most challenging things for most people is to see themselves, as others do! To achieve this, it is often necessary to get checked out, from the neck up, and to take the time (and make a concerted effort) to be objectively introspective enough to do so in a meaningful and realistic way! After more than four decades of conducting many hundreds of personal development seminars/training programs, I have come to firmly believe that only when one attempts to proceed in a OBJECTIVE (as possible) way, can anyone, hopefully, become the best they could possibly become! With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is a beneficial concept to take advantage of.

1. Options; opportunities; open minded; optimize: Shouldn’t one’s goals, objectives and priorities focus on optimizing every aspect of oneself? This requires, clearly and without prejudice, considering all viable options and alternatives and taking advantage of the best opportunities! It takes commitment and an open mind to be successful in this endeavor!

two. beliefs; better; bring it!: Why do you have some of the personal beliefs, etc., that you have? Are they beneficial, in your search, to be better, etc.? Once you discover the best path, will you do everything you can to bring it, every day, in every possible way?

3. Single; Justice: Consider, yourself, and your true needs, and something, you deserve, justice, obtain, and then proceed, fairly, to ensure, you win, the greatest opportunities, etc.!

Four. Examined; efforts; whole: Always, commit to looking at the big picture and your whole life, etc.! Will you clearly examine whether your actions and efforts are productive and in your best interest?

5. Clarity; character: How much attention will you pay to the quality of your character and commit to proceeding with the degree of clarity you need, if you want to, to be the best you can be?

6. Prompt; time tested; trends: Avoid the tendency to procrastinate, because personal procrastination is one of the worst approaches and/or mindsets, etc.! To achieve the objectives, balanced, well thought out and timely actions are required, with understanding, time-tested realities and using current trends, which can make your efforts more viable, etc.

7. Integrity; imagine / imagination; image; ideas/ideals: Never sacrifice absolute integrity, because lying to yourself and/or others is rarely a lasting solution, etc.! Proceed, with a relevant and well-developed imagination, so that you can imagine yourself, being, as you should be (perhaps, instead of as you currently are)! Align your ideals and ideas, productively and realistically, to become better and more capable of being satisfied with yourself!

8. visions; worth; values; points of view: What is your personal vision, in terms of becoming the best you can be? Will you demand, are you, consistently, a person, of value, and your values, are they beneficial, and yours? Consider, why, it owns the views, it does!

9. Esteem; to enrich; Excellence; endurance: What improves your personal self-esteem and why? Will you commit to pursuing your highest degree of genuine excellence, rather than accepting good enough? Do you have the stamina to see – it – through and choose your best course of action, instead of settling for some path of least resistance?

If you want to be happy and live the best life possible, it requires being committed, to, proceeding, in a OBJECTIVE, introspective way, and considering, what you want, need and should look for! Will you be up to the necessary tasks, etc.?


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