
Who runs the world? Tech.

Arts Entertainments

Today is the day!

I was walking in a store. I saw a cashier hand this kid his money saying “I’m sorry, but you don’t have enough money to buy this doll.” Then the boy turned to the old woman next to him: “Grandma,…

My wife bores me: what absolutely NOT to do if you’re thinking "I’m bored with my wife" – Now what?

Are you a husband who constantly thinks my wife is boring me and doesn’t know what to do to change the marriage? Well, you are not alone. The fact is that many men reach a point where they think “I’m…

Historical fencing teaching: the interpretive lesson

The traditional model of the modern fencing lesson is led by an instructor. The instructor determines the content, decides how to present it, and then teaches it to the student who is expected to learn what the instructor has taught….

Don’t invite bacteria on vacation

The holidays are a time to entertain guests with food and the holiday is a time, but if you don’t store, prepare and cook your food correctly, you may end up with an unwanted guest: bacteria. Improper food handling can…

Why did God give us coffee?

This week I came face to face with a genuine dilemma. I had several meetings in town and for some reason I miscalculated and ended up with a two and a half hour gap between meetings. I hate wasting time…

My husband told me that he is sexually attracted to another woman: tips and advice that can help

Over the weekend, I received an email from a desperate woman saying that her husband had admitted to being sexually attracted to a female co-worker. The husband swore that nothing had happened between them. Supposedly there was no sex or…

Fox Lake IL Gambling Laws

Back in 2009, 3 years before Fox Lake adopted 230 ILCS 40 (code for new video game laws), Ed Bender, the then mayor of Fox Lake, had seen both sides of the coin regarding video game law. video game. If…

Helpful Tips for Parents on Teens, Dating, and Sex

There are so many new and wonderful experiences that teens often can’t wait to delve into. For parents, this parenting season brings excitement for our children, as well as fear of what they are getting into. Dating and Sex certainly…

the power of passion

Once upon a time there was a man, Jack, who worked very hard at his job. He had gone to school in an area of ​​interest and got a job in a similar industry. He found a good wife and…

What to say to get your wife back! Say these words and ease me back into your life once more

Sometimes it’s just words that can help you steal her heart! Women are emotional and sometimes it just takes the right word to make her melt in your arms. If you’re wondering what you could say to bring your wife…