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My wife bores me: what absolutely NOT to do if you’re thinking "I’m bored with my wife" – Now what?

Are you a husband who constantly thinks my wife is boring me and doesn’t know what to do to change the marriage?

Well, you are not alone.

The fact is that many men reach a point where they think “I’m bored with my wife”… but there are ways to save a marriage in this circumstance.

What to do if you are a man who says that my wife bores me…

One of the things I’ve always hated is hearing someone say that a marriage is supposed to get boring after a while. Or that it’s normal for a marriage to get boring or even fail. I don’t think it ever has to be like this.

But that’s not to say that it doesn’t happen, and that you’ll never end up saying that my wife bores me. It happens, but there are things you can do to fix your marriage instead of letting it deteriorate out of boredom.

Fortunately, there are things you should never do when this happens.

What you should never do if you are bored with wife and marriage…

So you come home from work and you see your wife and it’s not that feeling of excitement that you used to get when you saw her. Maybe you know that problems are going to arise and that there will be a fight.

Maybe you just don’t feel anything, so it’s like passing your sister in the house. Or maybe you’ve just given up because you know there won’t even be sex anyway, so what the hell is the point?

If you feel this way, you may be tempted to make some very drastic decisions that are ultimately irreversible. The best marriage advice for a man that I can give you is don’t do anything right now out of boredom that will ruin your marriage.

The fact is that boredom will pass, but the things you might do out of boredom probably won’t.

It may sound like a given, but don’t cheat on your wife out of boredom. In fact, don’t even put yourself in a position where cheating is an option. Don’t flirt with waitresses, don’t approach women at work, none of that shenanigans. Many men will try to justify these things and actually blame her wife for her boredom, but the fact is that you are just as responsible for keeping the marriage alive as she is…and you are probably doing a lot. of things that are not helping the situation.

Don’t tell people that you’re bored with your marriage, either. If this comes to her wife, even if she’s not even thinking about cheating or fooling around outside of marriage, that’s exactly what she’s going to think. That will only cause a lot of additional conflict in the marriage.

Then it goes without saying that you shouldn’t tell him either. Once again, their thoughts will automatically turn to your desire to waste their time and get on your nerves.

If you are thinking that my wife bores me, my marriage bores me, then you have to be very careful about the things you do so as not to damage your marriage.


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