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Health Fitness

The secret to losing weight is portion control.

One of the biggest realizations I have made in the last 2 years is that I have been eating portions of food that are too large. How did I get into that habit? Let me explain. I grew up in…

How to lose weight for a competition or fight

When it comes to losing weight, many martial artists use it. The idea behind it is that if I can weigh 150 pounds, then go back up in weight before the fight and fight while at 165 pounds, then I…

Home Workout Routines: Your Key to Health and Fitness

Home exercise routines are becoming very popular. A WebMD article reported that “63% of American adults are overweight or obese.” That means there is a great need to do something about our health and fitness. Busy work schedules and family…

How to cut carbs to lose weight

If you want to lose weight, the first place to start is to look at your diet, more specifically, your carbohydrate intake. Your carbohydrate intake can make or break your weight loss results. Carbohydrates can be divided into 2 basic…

Eat Healthy to Lose Weight – How to Conquer Your Own Excuses

Eating healthy to lose weight Many people never try to eat healthy to lose weight for various reasons. They claim that they don’t have the time or the willpower, or that they just don’t like healthy food, or that fatness…

Hill Sprints to Sky Rocket Your Fitness and Fat Loss Results

My favorite hill these days is Miller Avenue Hill in Highland Park in Brooklyn, New York. The first thing to understand is that you shouldn’t go all out if you’re new to mountain sprinting. And if you’re really out of…

Understanding protein and its importance

The word “Protein” comes from the Greek word “Protos” which means “Of first importance”. Protein is the main component of the human body, if you were to compare your body to a building, protein would be the raw material. Like…

Inline Skates: The Best HIIT Training Tool?

When it comes to cardio or exercise to aid weight loss, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been proven time and time again to be the most effective training style. And done right, inline skating can be one of the…

You’ve Hit a Plateau in Your Six Pack Abs Workout, Now What?

He has been exercising almost every day. She was losing weight and starting to see some definition. Oh! Your body just put on the brakes. Are you tired. A couple of the lost kilos returned to you. Well, you’ve stalled…

I humiliated myself in front of my ex boyfriend! How to remedy this now

Is there anything more mortifying than making a fool of yourself in front of the ex-boyfriend you still love? If you have, you’ll probably say it’s the worst thing that can happen to a woman. It’s not, not in the…