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Legal Law

Services Offered by a Family Law Attorney

There are many reasons why hiring an attorney who specializes in family law may become a necessity. The field of family law is broad, encompassing many different types of cases and issues. Familiarity with these issues will help choose the…

Fighting Debt Collectors With Document Production Requests When Sued For Debts

In a way, it’s obvious what “production requests” are, isn’t it? They are requests to the other party in a lawsuit to produce certain specific documents or things, and the rules define what could be produced very broadly. These items…

What to do when you have been charged with driving under the influence

You wake up and realize that the police pulled you over last night. You got arrested for DUI and your license was punched. After giving you a bunch of paperwork, they make you feel at home. Now what? After the…

Personal Injury Lawyer – Tips to Consider During Your Search

When you contact a personal injury lawyer after you have been injured, you are helping to ensure the security of your case. When you’ve been hurt through no fault of your own, it can be an extremely stressful and emotional…

Fundamentals of Contract Law

No matter where you live in North America, you must have seen some humorous cartoons depicting a not-so-trustworthy real estate agent trying to sell a house to an innocent-looking couple. My favorite cartoon, which still makes me laugh, goes back…

10 Sure Ways An Independent Contractor Can Save Money On Taxes

Tax laws are written by politicians and they write the IRS laws to tailor society the way they and their constituents want. This is something that accountants and tax preparers are taught every tax season. Politicians today want workers for…

Encouraging Email Etiquette: The Do’s and Don’ts

Since email communication is very popular, people need more advice on how to best use the tool. I taught people how to use email applications and included the basic tag only as a sidebar on specific topics. However, now I…

Consideration of business thoughts to attract high-level prospects to your business

If you’re hosting a corporate meeting with your business partners, potential clients, as well as your company’s board of directors and you want to impress them with what you can offer, then it’s time you moved away from the common…

Work Life Balance for Lawyers: On Reworking the Seesaw

Unfortunately, the work-life balance of lawyers can be likened to a seesaw, where all too often the work side of things gets stuck hard and fast in the ground, while the life side is stuck. in the air, helpless and…

Women’s fashion trends 2010

Fashion gurus have rightly said that 2010 is and will continue to be an interesting and exciting year for fashion. With the end of the global financial crisis and the trend towards recession, the beginning of the year saw an…