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Legal Law

Common cleaning products are a time bomb

If your home or office is typical, it already has dozens of cleaning and personal care products that contain harmful chemicals. Recent studies have revealed that most homes/offices contain more than 63 hazardous products that together contain hundreds of chemicals….

Immigration Law: Avoid Pitfalls

In law school, future lawyers are taught how to make the best argument on behalf of clients and that each problem can be viewed in different ways. In fact, our standard judicial system is designed with that concept in mind….

DUI – How much will it cost me?

There are various costs associated with both a DUI arrest and a DUI conviction. Here is a list of some of the common expenses associated with a DUI: Increased insurance rates– If you are convicted of a DUI, your auto…

Why You Might Need Probate Lawyers

First of all, it must be recognized that seeking legal advice is not a legal responsibility when it comes to probate. There is nothing to prevent a member of the public without legal training or experience from applying for the…

In the Know: Health and Wellness Website Legalities

When healthcare consulting firms are legally liable One thing the internet is infamous for is being a source of advice for our health and well-being. No matter where we turn, there is someone with a website that tells us what…

budget for billiards

Pool cues and shafts can be found at a variety of different price levels and levels of manufacturing labor. More serious pool players who play more often than occasionally will almost always prefer to get a pool cue, and perhaps…

How To Attract Venture Capital With Copywriting

Venture capital is the fuel and often the ignition spark for many young companies. Unfortunately, new entrepreneurs find it difficult to connect with venture capital firms and many companies never see bright opportunities ignite before they attract funding. Effective copywriting…

Prepare to take the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam

The purpose of the CPA exam is to ensure that individuals interested in the accounting profession have the ability to demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to protect the public interest in today’s dynamic business and financial environment. The CPA…

5 Steps to Take When You Receive a Summons Letter from the ISP

Copying music, movies, and software over the Internet using BitTorrent is now quite common. Sandvine recently released data on the amount of internet traffic used by top apps, with BitTorrent ranking as the #1 Upstream App, #4 Downstream App, and…

How much does a divorce cost in Ontario and the divorce process

How can I file for a divorce in Ontario? eligibility criteria If you want to officially end your marriage, you can file for divorce with an Ontario court, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria: 1. You must be…