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Legal Law

Legal Law

Free Employment Lawyers – If you are looking for free consultation employment lawyer

Free Employment Lawyers If you are looking for free consultation employment lawyer services, you are certainly not alone. The Toronto area is among the most competitive regions in the country for professional employment. There are more job opportunities in Toronto…

Hong Kong investment visas: sole proprietorships can be approved

We have recently had a couple of interesting Hong Kong investment visa “wins” that go against the commonly used mantra that “one man companies are never approved” by the Hong Kong Immigration Department (the “HKID “). The following cannot be…

Native American Bar Association

The National Native American Bar Association NNABA serves those who practice Indian law. It exists to advocate for the social, political, cultural, and legal issues that affect American Indians, Native Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives. Offers regular, associate and special memberships….

Congress and Founding Fathers pray

You cannot underestimate the good prayer and fasting that you have done. He has often thwarted evil and moved God in heaven. It is terribly unfortunate that very few know the truth about American history and the great influence that…

The Rust Belt gets tired of the label

“Right to work” laws are no longer just southern. Such laws, which prohibit union agreements that require employees to join unions or pay the due equivalent, have long been a staple of the southern and interior western states. But Wisconsin…

Study law in Australia

Studying law in the Australian professional environment offers many opportunities for students. The greatest temptation for students to join law courses is the bright future of law students. These courses bring with them status, prestige, and wonderful employment opportunities. Law…

How to Interview a Personal Injury Lawyer

After being seriously injured in an accident, it is important to find reputable and aggressive personal injury representation at a reputable law firm. This will give you the best chance of recovering the full and fair compensation owed to you…

Republican Electoral Interference: History Lessons Series 2

American audiences love sequels. If you loved or hated the Mueller report, you will love or hate the aftermath of Congress when public impeachment hearings begin on November 13. Donald Trump seemed to get away with electoral interference “to his…

Should I make a garment? And when?

Today I received a phone call from a client who wanted a prenuptial agreement. Her fiancĂ© drew up a prenuptial agreement and gave it to her. Wants changes. Their wedding is on Saturday. It’s too late, I told him. Section…

Fast Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. While we refer to…