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Real Estate

Estate Planning Basics: Funding Your Trust

The property you own can be transferred to your chosen heirs or beneficiaries after your death in one of several ways. If the particular asset is owned by you and someone else, such as a residence you own jointly with…

Benefits of Choosing Custom Bamboo Kitchen Cabinets

Bamboo kitchen cabinets have become one of the top choices for homeowners around the world. There are a number of reasons why bamboo kitchen cabinets are such a popular choice in homes around the world, the main reason being that…

What is a retro BPO? (also known as retroactive BPO or historical BPO)

The term “Retro” makes a lot of people think of the 1970s. For real estate agents doing BPOs, “Retro” has a completely different meaning. Simply put, a Retro BPO is a Broker’s Price Opinion (BPO) that asks the real estate…

What to remember when buying homes for sale

With so many foreclosures available at bargain prices, it can be a daunting task for buyers to find the right property for them. The good news is that you can use certain parameters to ensure that you are well guided…

How Hard Money Loans Can Benefit You

The advantages of hard money loans It offers immense benefits that are not normally available through big banks or credit institutions. Some of the benefits include: Minimum conditions: To obtain, a borrower must meet a short list of criteria, while…

Raise money to invest using 11 poor man’s strategies

Unlike many of my fellow financial bloggers, I have gained street cred (credentials) when it comes to having been poor. When we first came to San Jose, CA in the early 1980’s, my family lived with another family until my…

Is vacation rental software effective?

If you really want to start an online rental business, you certainly have the business acumen and foresight to look ahead and grow. But do you have the idea about online rental management software? Do you know how the software…

Tips to help ensure your hard money loan is approved

You have located a property that is the proverbial “diamond in the rough”. The purchase price is incredibly reasonable and with the right updates and improvements, the property could sell for a substantial profit. This all sounds great, but suddenly…

Top 5 Reasons to Sell Your House to a Real Estate Investor

You are probably wondering why you would want to sell your home to a real estate investor instead of listing your home with a real estate agent or selling it yourself. There are many very good reasons why you should…

Finishing and Remodeling of Bases

After you decide to finish your foundation, there are many elements to consider. In this article, we’ll explore the different options you have and examine the benefits and drawbacks of each, while also factoring cost into the equation. For many…