
Who runs the world? Tech.


Parents should reward the effort!

All parents should read Dr. Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset! I know that all of us parents love our children and want the best for them, but unfortunately, what we don’t realize is that sometimes we are stunting their success and…

Cheap Bahamas Vacations – A Perfect Family Vacation Destination Amidst Unmatched Scenic Beauty

Nowadays, when people are stressed most of the time competing with each other to move up the ladder of success, they eventually end up adopting a lifestyle where they cannot spend time for themselves or their family. They need to…

Importance of using furniture and wood products

Furniture is the only thing that greatly increases the beauty of your home. It attracts guests to your home. So if you have a beautiful house, you must have good furniture in your home. If you are not sure what…

Lactation problems – mastitis

Women who choose to breastfeed anticipate that it will be a wonderful bonding experience for her and her baby. All lactating mothers know that the breast is best, but what does she do with a case of mastitis? recognizing the…

Public Relations for Bowling Alleys

Very often, some types of businesses have a bad reputation. We all know how your neighborhood watering hole can get a bad rap from a parking lot fight gone totally bad. But this can also happen to a relatively simple…

Making the transition from crib to bed safe and smooth

As a mother, I am well aware of all the stressful milestones that take place during the toddler and preschool years. One of these stressful times is the transition from a crib to a big boy or girl bed. There…

Pro-Form 765i Interactive Trainer Treadmill

For less than $1000 you can buy the Pro-Form 765i interactive training treadmill. This 150-pound exercise dynamo, a product of ProForm Fitness Equipment, has a running track that is 60 inches long and 30 inches wide. The features of the…

Animal Abuse – When is it going to be taken seriously?

You’ve probably heard the names Bundy, Dahmer, Gacy; all the names of notorious assassins and what do they all have in common? They started out as animal abusers. What about the names; Kip Kinkle and Luke Woodham or Eric Harris…

Take 5: Growing closer to God in just a few minutes each day

When you think of the word “prayer,” what comes to mind? To be on your knees with your eyes closed and your face turned reverently towards the sky? Praying for an hour or more? “Prepare” spiritually through a religious ritual…

A wild off-road adventure and extraordinary canyoning trip to a paradise garden in nature

When it comes to wild, wild beauty, from the bottom of the desert to the tops of the mountains, the state of Arizona tops them all! Famous for its extremely high temperatures, only in Arizona can you escape the heat…