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Lactation problems – mastitis

Women who choose to breastfeed anticipate that it will be a wonderful bonding experience for her and her baby. All lactating mothers know that the breast is best, but what does she do with a case of mastitis?

recognizing the problem

There are many warning signs that you may have mastitis.

1) An area of ​​the breast becomes sore and red. The blocked duct site develops a very pronounced red spot that is extremely painful to the touch and holding or carrying your baby on this side can become unbearable. You may also see or feel a lump.

2) You may experience pain during breastfeeding sessions. This may start as a tingling sensation in the nipple. If there is no pain while the baby is nursing on that side, it does not mean that she does not really have mastitis.

3) Development of flu-like symptoms. You may experience a fever along with chills and body aches. Exhaustion is another common side effect. Many women report that they can’t even get out of bed.

What to do if you suspect mastitis

At the first signs of mastitis development:

1) Get in bed and rest! Even if you can sit quietly for a few hours doing nothing, such as housework or taking care of other children or family members, you will benefit.

2) Apply warm compresses to the clogged duct site. Take a hot shower or even submerge your breast in a bowl or pot filled with warm water and let it soak for a few minutes, several times an hour.

3) Nurse, nurse, nurse! Try to nurse the baby on the side of the blocked duct as often and for as long as possible to resolve the blockage. Massaging the breast while the baby suckles can also help.

4) Remedies such as echinachea and vitamin C can be taken. Antibiotics can also be prescribed by a doctor or midwife.

How to avoid mastitis

Mastitis starts as a clogged duct and develops into an infection. To prevent your ducts from becoming clogged in the first place, it’s a good idea not to constrict your milk ducts with underwire bras or tight clothing. Try not to sleep on your stomach as this can also lead to a clogged duct. Avoid supplementing with bottles because this can lead to overproduction of breast milk. When a feeding is missed, the sinuses can become engorged and the ducts can become blocked. Breast compression or breast massage prior to latching is also a useful tool to avoid blockage of the ducts altogether.


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