
Who runs the world? Tech.


Kindle Fire: Tips for Entering Text

The Kindle Fire is much more interactive than previous Kindle models and you often need to enter text, for example when you search your content libraries or the web, annotate text, or fill out web forms. However, entering text on…

Talking about Mental Health in College – Q&A with Richard Kadison, MD from Harvard University

Maria Pascucci, president of Campus Calm, had the opportunity to speak with Richard Kadison, MD, about why high schools and colleges are seeing an increase in the number of stressed out students struggling with mental health issues. Kadison is the…

Homeschooling for nine to twelve year olds and socialization

When homeschooling a child between the ages of nine and twelve, there is a lot of pressure from peer pressure. Keep in mind that not all children experience this pressure to be with their peers and be like them, while…

Made at home

For the mere price of a dollar, how could anyone pass up a used book with such an attractive title? For a financially challenged graduate student, How to make wine it was a roadmap for a continuous flow of nectar…

4 educational benefits of miniature dollhouse toys

Many children spend hours playing with dollhouse toys, carefully arranging and dramatizing scenarios. Not only are children excited about this, but there are numerous educational benefits to playing with a miniature dollhouse: 1. Imaginative Play: Dolls promote imaginative play, which…

Potty Training Watch: The Pros and Cons of This Popular Resource

If you are like many parents who are potty training their children, you have wondered if the resources available today for potty training can really help train your child. That is an important question. For example, the potty training watch…

These kindergarten activities will teach children many things

Kindergarten is the place where the child is introduced to the world. This is the place where they learn everything. There are so many things that a child can learn in kindergarten, such as cooking, painting, writing, playing, etc. to…

Five Unique Handmade Baby Gifts to Make for Baby Shower

If you’re looking for baby gifts to make, but bored with the standard blanket and baby booties, here are five unique and unusual (but still functional!) Gifts to create that would make the perfect baby shower gifts. Time capsule –…

Adult Children of Alcoholics: When Their Mother Is ACOA

If you’re like me, and your mother is the adult daughter of an alcoholic, you may have grown up feeling more like a specimen in a Petri dish than an innocent, carefree, joy-seeking child. If your mother is an ACOA…

Pill-free fever

For those of you who have children, you will fully understand my next statement … “There is nothing more terrifying than watching your child burn with a high fever in the middle of the night.” If you don’t have children,…