
Who runs the world? Tech.


The Elf on a Shelf – 10 Sets of Naughty Ideas to Add Magic to Your Holiday Season

The Christmas traditions of Elf on the Shelf and the magic of the elves are taking the nation by storm, for good reason. They offer a lovely way to build excitement for the holidays and keep kids on their best…

3 super fun summer activities for kids

Summer is probably the favorite season for most children. School’s out, the sun’s out, and all the fun is definitely over! If you don’t have plans for a vacation, a trip to the beach, and no scheduled summer camps, there…

Inside Tiny Houses – Are you ready?

Mr. Jay Shafer is the responsible genius who came up with the idea for Tiny Houses! His company, known as Tumbleweed, is part of the tiny home movement. In 2002, he co-founded the Small House Society in Iowa City, Iowa….

How to remove the smell of sour milk

The smell of spoiled milk is traditionally very difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are some relatively simple and inexpensive solutions. The sooner you clean up the smelly stain, the better your chances of restoring a fresh scent to your room,…

6 common causes of sensitive teeth

Oh! That hurts! Sensitive teeth are a terrible nuisance! You can’t focus when you have sensitive teeth because every breath brings with it a lot of pain. Even touching your teeth with your tongue can be painful and I have…

10 truths you will understand if you have an older sister

Introduction If you have an older sister at home, you will have many differences in the way things are handled at home. You may have had petty fights over small matters that your parents often find difficult to digest. If…

Treating Croup Cough: Home Remedies or Medical?

A crunchy cough is not a typical hoarse type of cough that is commonly heard. The hallmark sign that your toddler has a cracking cough is if it sounds like the barking of a seal pup. It is a very…

Main types of folding beds

Folding beds (also known as folding beds) nominally share a common feature of being able to save space by virtue of having a compact storage configuration when not in use. But this common and well-known feature hides the fact that…

Tutu du Monde: vintage flower girl dresses and tutu dresses for girls as unique as your child

Tutu Du Monde is a world famous designer brand of boutique girls tutu dresses, princess dresses, girls tutu skirts and matching accessories. Think of a delicate fairy dress in soft pastels and dusty shades of pink, blue, ivory, or purple….

Potty training through the ages

How things have changed when we look at potty training over the years … Going back in time, potty training and all its drama didn’t exist. Even today, in primitive regions, women carry their children with them all the time…