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Treating Croup Cough: Home Remedies or Medical?

A crunchy cough is not a typical hoarse type of cough that is commonly heard. The hallmark sign that your toddler has a cracking cough is if it sounds like the barking of a seal pup. It is a very high-pitched sound that can be quite alarming.

Children who have a more serious infection sometimes develop a harsh, vibrating, harsh whistle when they inhale.

What is croup and what causes it?

This is a type of respiratory infection that generally affects young children under the age of 5. Children are often affected during the fall and winter months.

The condition is usually caused by a particular strain of virus called an adenovirus or influenza virus. Sometimes, however, it can also be caused by bacteria. Early in the infection, your child will likely have a mild cold and cough. This may or may not be accompanied by a low fever.

As the infection progresses, your child’s voice may become hoarse and sound like laryngitis. However, the cough sound will be quite different from any other cough sound. As we said before, it will sound like the barking of a young seal.

The duration of the symptoms of the condition depends mainly on the severity of the condition. Typically the duration is five to six days. If left untreated, the condition can lead to other complications, such as shortness of breath, ear infection, or even pneumonia.

Home remedies or medical?

There are some things you can do at home to reduce symptoms if you notice that your child is having trouble breathing or if your child has a very high pitched sound.

The first thing you can try is to heat and moisten the bathroom by closing the door and opening the shower. Let your child stay in the steam room for a while, as the humid air can make it easier for him to breathe.

If you have a facial steamer, you can also use it to generate steam, which your child can inhale.

If neither of these two strategies works, you should take your child to a pediatrician for proper diagnosis and treatment. A pediatrician will conduct a thorough evaluation and advise you of what to do next, based on the severity of your child’s symptoms.

Never, ever give your child any kind of over-the-counter medicine, as they can have dangerous side effects.


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