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Causes and remedies of canker sores

The exact causes of canker sores remain unclear, although researchers suspect that a combination of several elements contributes to outbreaks, even in a single individual. However, it seems that they are attributable to the personal immune response of the affected person. Canker sores occur when the affected person’s immune system responds to unidentified chemicals.

They are modest and hidden, no matter how painful, persistent and annoying they are. They may occur on the tongue, inside the cheeks or lips, or at the base of the gums. They are known as aphthous ulcers, but are more commonly known as canker sores. A virus or bacteria are essentially the most widely blamed culprits, however, how come only one person in a family of 5 will get the virus or microorganism and no one else? Your level of negative emotional anxiety causes the vulnerability to the virus and/or bacteria in the first place.

If you feel a burning or tingling sensation inside your mouth, pain may follow. It will start with a small whitish wound-like sore with pink borders around it. Whether it appears under the tongue, inside the cheeks, or on the tongue, the pain begins with the same feeling and appearance. Other symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, fever, and listlessness may be experienced, although not associated with pain.

Toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate are likely to have a drying effect on the tissues of the mouth, breaking down the safety of the surface and perhaps causing the sore to start. If canker sores are a problem, toothpaste that doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate can help.

Even doctors have said that the sores can occur during emotional stress or during menstrual periods. Children in elementary school also seem to be susceptible to canker sores. It seems to me that these kinds of people also experience heightened levels of anxiety.

The damage, usually from a self-inflicted bruise or irritation attributable to braces, usually precipitates sores. 38% of members in one study felt their sores were caused by trauma.

Some studies have shown that people who develop regular sores also suffer from some type of dietary deficiency. Vitamin deficiencies: B1, B2, B6, B12, C and different nutrients: zinc, folic acid, iron, selenium, calcium have been linked to sores. Like stress, dietary deficiency will be blamed for many health problems, and at this time you should avoid it.

Canker sores can go away without treatment. But if you want to relieve the pain, strive for the following remedies that you can do at home:

Using hydrogen peroxide is one of the best remedies you can do for canker sores. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water. The ratio is 1:1. Use it with cotton and apply it on the canker sore. Subsequently, apply a little milk of magnesia to the affected area three or four times a day. This might help the treatment but not the painkiller.

Before going to the mattress, apply a small amount of powdered alum on the affected area. If you prefer to use small cotton balls to shield the alum, go for it. Avoid mixing alum with your saliva; It has a bad taste. Repeat this every night until the canker sore is completely gone.

Good oral hygiene is one of the easiest ways to avoid canker sores. Brush your teeth often, at least 2 times a day. Use a comfortable bristle toothbrush to avoid hurting your gums. Use toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS. Gargle with a combination of warm water and salt regularly.


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