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Causes of thyroid problems

Deep down, you probably feel that the health problems you are facing may be related to an overactive or underactive thyroid. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland found in the front of the neck.

Although we as people tend to overcomplicate health issues, we can also see things for what they are and take steps to remedy the root cause. This root cause is too many toxins coming in and not enough being processed.

Whether it’s from exposure to mold toxins, lack of nutritious food (our topsoil is very depleted in the US, making it difficult to get vitamins/minerals from the food you eat), heavy metals ​​From amalgam fillings, everyday toxins from or even fluoridated water supplies, as well as toxins from commercial cosmetics, deodorants, and soaps, it’s hard for the body to handle stressors over time.

So what it all boils down to is that the thyroid is likely being affected by toxins and/or is not getting the proper nutrition it needs to function optimally.

What then is the goal of thyroid health?

The goal is to remove stressors, cleanse the body, and rebuild it with the essential nutrients needed to function.

What happens then?

The body has super intelligence and will begin to work its miracles as it has been given an environment to thrive.

So how can you do that?

Well, first you start with cleansing your colon.

You open the front door to let the toxins out.

If the colon is clogged with undigested food and a lifetime of improper food mixing, processed and GMO foods, the body will not feel safe to release toxins.

These toxins are then stored in the fat, creating a protective layer or layers of fat to keep the organs safe.

You can then cleanse your kidneys using specific herbs to help remove stones, cysts, and other particles such as heavy metals. You may need to do several rounds of these herbs to get this elimination channel flowing and strong.

Now is the time to tune up your liver. The liver is responsible for filtering out toxins and regulating hormone production. If this filter is clogged with bacteria, yeast, stones, and parasites, there is no way for the body to function properly.

Think about the fluids in your body for a moment. Would you rather they were like a cloudy, stagnant pond or a crystal clear river that flows effortlessly into every area of ​​the body, including the thyroid gland? With a healthy lymphatic system, vital minerals can be transported to the organs that need them most, and gut bacteria are balanced to help keep your immune system strong.

This is the basic cleansing protocol, but you can go further with the parasite cleanse and heavy metal cleanse.

Lastly, you want to nourish the thyroid with specific minerals that work together to ensure that hormone conversion can occur.

You are now empowered with the knowledge you need to reverse your thyroid problems.


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