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Concerns about naming and cultural appropriation

New parents have many decisions to make regarding their newborn. Parents are very happy when deciding on a name for their child. They see it as an opportunity to give their child a unique and special identity. Sometimes they choose a name that has a special meaning for them. Perhaps from a favorite book or movie or a name that represents a favorite destination. There was a time when most people stuck with very traditional and old names that were familiar to most people. But recently there has been a move towards more unique names for boys. For many parents there are no rules when it comes to what name to choose.

Should it be considered offensive to appropriate characteristics of another culture?

A trend in recent years is for parents to choose names from other cultures, a culture with which the child has no geographical or ethnic connection. Sometimes they do it because they like the sound of the name. The problem is that many times they have no idea what the name means or how others will perceive their child’s name. Could it be considered offensive to the culture they borrowed the name from? An example would be choosing a Native American name for a child who is not Native American and, more specifically, belongs to an ethnic group that once had a history of oppressing Native Americans. The question is, does a group of people have the right to be offended because a name associated with their culture has been appropriated or adopted by another culture? This should be a consideration for parents considering this naming option.

Do your homework

Naming your baby is supposed to be fun and exciting. But it’s important to remember that sometimes something done as a form of flattery can backfire if the intent is misunderstood. That’s why it’s important to do your homework before deciding on a name for your child. Check out the vast amount of information that is available on the web, when it comes to unique baby names and their meanings, and you will surely make a well thought out decision.


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