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Couples dealing with the recession (making their relationship work in a down economy)

Let’s face it, money matters play an influential role in our romantic relationships, whether you’re married or in another serious relationship. While love is priceless, the role finances play in our relationships is central to our specific and universal cultural beliefs and values. Some of these roles include but are not limited to wedding, rental or setup expenses, utility bills, car loans and the list goes on.

Yet despite the important role money plays in our relationships, it’s still a ridiculous reason for a couple to break up. Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs far too often. It’s not unusual to hear about a couple putting off marriage because they currently can’t afford a wedding, or God forbid a house. While our cultural beliefs and values ​​are important, you need to make sure you don’t fall down the slippery slope of putting a price tag on your relationship. Think of it this way: What would you think of a father who ended his relationship with his child due to financial difficulties? (This is not an attack on parents who put their children up for adoption.)

So if you and the love of your life have been experiencing financial difficulties, it makes sense to separate your financial problems from your relationship. Can this be done? The answer is yes. In fact, being able to make and maintain such a separation will go a long way in helping both of you work through your financial problems. Why? Simply put, because they won’t fight or push each other’s anger buttons. Not being angry will give each partner clarity and the ability to use the full potential of their thinking powers to solve their financial problems.

So what does a couple willing to preserve their relationship do to separate their financial problems from their relationship?

Spend more time together doing free or less expensive activities.

Cook more meals together and eat at home instead of eating out.
Can’t afford to see that play? Gold movie? Take a walk together in the park, or visit the zoo or a museum.
Will the cable company increase rates? A perfect opportunity to turn off the TV and spend a quiet evening in the living room. You can also play some games together.

You get the picture? The key to creating such a successful separation of finances and romance is for each partner to be willing to make personal sacrifices and, as much as possible, to make those sacrifices together. People are always amazed at how much being caught up in expensive activities keeps them emotionally disconnected from their spouse, better half, or significant other.

In life, there is a difference between knowing what to do and knowing how. If you find yourself struggling to change your behaviors for the better, seeking the services of a professional in the mental health field should be considered a wise investment.


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