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Defense against coronavirus: importance of stimulating the thymus gland

Many are familiar, I am sure, with the term ‘happiness is an inside job’, while many more with ‘the kingdom of heaven is within’. Two sentences that originated centuries apart and both express a profound eternal truth.

The term ‘within’, of course, is directional, in the sense that whatever we are really looking for in life, be it health, healing, happiness, immunity or prosperity, comes from within. [consciousness].

So where is ‘heaven’? Where is this divine state that exudes health, happiness, and immunity, and how is it practically harvested in daily life?

There is a practice technique for this very purpose included at the end of this article.

The reasoning behind many ‘inner’ sayings, including scriptures, is to activate the endocrine system, particularly the thymus gland designed, by the Creator, specifically to defeat viral problems like the coronavirus.

When consciousness merges with the effusions of the thymus, the experience will be everything, and more, that everyone instinctively seeks in life.

Thymus comes from the Greek ‘Thymos’ which refers to vital energy; it is also known as the second heart, and biblically: Sacred Heart or Sacred Timo.

Also known as the center of happiness, the thymus promotes healthy aging and longevity.

But, interestingly, something that will almost certainly go unnoticed in a stimulated thymus is the release of the miraculous antiviral proteins, the mature white blood cells known as T cells, the antibodies or T cells responsible for defending against foreign antigens entering the body.

Antiviral proteins are the dedicated warriors of the immune system precisely and selectively produced to defeat viruses. Known as interferons, antiviral proteins are powerful inhibitors to prevent the development of viruses in cells, when the thymus functions as an incubator in the development of mature antibodies.

White blood cells originate in the bone marrow and travel through the bloodstream to the thymus gland, from where these immature cells develop into mature cells, qualified defenders against viruses.

The thymus is a major organ of the immune system and is located behind the third rib, behind the breastbone or breastbone in the upper chest, just below the throat.

Like training, the thymus ‘trains’ white blood cells known as T cells to recognize foreign cell invaders that enter the body. T cells are vital to the adaptive immune system, where the body ‘adapts’ to incursions by foreign cells. In essence, the thymus is the brain of the immune system, while the immune system itself is considered a “floating brain.”

Keeping the thymus functioning optimally requires personal diligence in the face of what weakens the immune system, such as excess stress, worry, and the myriad of addictive substances that destroy health, but also emotionally charged misguided thinking. More on this later.

So, while the state of Heaven resides within, transcendentally, the defeat of COVID is accessed through the stimulation of the thymus.

By releasing antiviral proteins, created especially for the task, the immune system naturally defends the body-organism against viral attack, as if it were natural.

The flow of the thymus changes everything

The constitution of Divine Love is ‘transformation through purification’. In other words, each soul through which the Divine Standard passes is transformed into its nature. In the context of defeating COVID, therefore, creating a vibration of Bliss in the thymus is fundamental, it is a transformation of health.

The surest way to be ‘in divine vibration’, of alignment in ‘health consciousness’, is for consciousness to be established in the flow of love from the thymus naturally, established in the consciousness of the higher vibratory heart chakra.

To facilitate the expression of thymus love within the physiology, the mental mechanisms need acclimatization to resist vibrational bliss through the technique of the method at the end of this article.

The technique, although familiar to many as the sacred sound mantra, is an ancient practice: a concentrated inner chant that creates a vibration of happiness in the thymus that then expands to empower the entire mind/physiology. A cosmic resonance that will leave us wanting to be ‘within’ its frequency range, permanently, particularly during COVID.

Preparing for the harvest of happiness

So let’s now see how we may be contributing to our own happiness and immunity remaining ‘locked’.

Like the oil that resides deep at the bottom of the ocean, our own potential for happiness lies deep within consciousness as a pure, unchanging silence, a silence awaiting contact with consciousness. But, as we know, oil in ‘crude’ form has little practical value for the householder, but, when properly refined, its potential becomes enormous: its positive use changes everything in our practical world.

Similarly, for pure silence to exude to its fullest, a refining process is needed, a purification of the mental mechanisms through which consciousness flows. This refinement is accomplished by the vibratory Silence and not by the lower ego personality, thus ushering in higher states of heart consciousness throughout the entire mental-physical organism.

Using rocket launch language, purified consciousness represents the ‘power-up sequence’: when our soul’s spiritual love force ignites: when Bliss propels mind/consciousness cosmically through the gravitational field of mortality, limitation, fear, and resistance to the flow of life, including through COVID Drag and its associated levels of consciousness.

Put in context, the mental gravitational field through which we propel thoughts on a daily basis determines mental and physical well-being, determines the standard of development of immune consciousness: pure or impure, toxic or non-toxic, healthy or unhealthy.

The difference in expression between “levels of consciousness” is absolutely crucial in defense against COVID and physical/spiritual well-being in general.

In this context, the three Chakra levels below the thymus, below the top fourth heart chakra, represent the lowest to lowest levels of vibrational awareness, levels through which a spiritually dormant soul vibrates.

Thus, the meaning of awakening the fourth chakra and the thymus gland becomes obvious. The change in consciousness is totally life changing, as it represents access to higher levels of immunity consciousness, biblically expressed: ‘Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey’, symbolism for you/me to enter the upper heart chakra through through silent meditation (symbolized by the donkey).

What is specifically purified?

Considering its enormous impact, have we ever wondered how mental processes operate?

So, in simple terms: the conscious mind ‘thinks’ while the intellect ‘decides’.

So, prior to the refinement of the lower three chakras mentioned above, the thinking mind and intellect are set at the level of the carnal mind: no ability to think/discern spiritually; therefore, the biblical term ‘fall of man’ translates as ‘fall of the mind/intellect’ into the mire of illusion or spiritual ignorance, the realm of the three chakras below the upper (fourth) heart chakra .

This ‘fall’ — of mind/intellect — is of course not our fault as such, it is by design. If it were not so, there could be no conscious Resurrection [of consciousness] no conscious Ascension to higher states of heart/thymus consciousness.

So, breaking it down: the body/mind/intellect/senses are each born initially in the lower three chakra levels known as ‘sin’ – ‘sin’ meaning: missing the spiritual mark. ‘Sin’ or spiritual ignorance is present so that we can transcend or escape its gravitational pull on the mind’s senses, propelled by Bliss, thus freeing (purifying) these faculties from automatic attachment to ‘sin’ and related levels of consciousness.

Therefore, prior to purification, the mental faculties are on ‘slave standard’ to reduce chakra regurgitations until the ‘sin’ attraction dynamic is neutralized, which, in practical terms, simply means ‘stay away’ from the worn lines of grass, the tracks of mental thought. — until healed through vibrational silence meditation.

So the question arises: through which level(s) of consciousness are we thinking and discerning: the lower three chakras or the higher vibrating chakras?

The answer is critical, particularly in regards to optimal release and COVID defeat of mature antibodies: the antiviral proteins of the miracle gland of the thymus.

Finally, to emphasize, that although the silent vibrational bliss ‘pulses’ at the thymus chakra, it is triggered at the base [of spine] chakra through the vibratory sound AUM that reaches this area. The AUM vibration initially travels down to the base chakra, but then, upon contact with the base chakra, rises up to the thymus heart chakra, awakening the lower three chakras along the way. Passing through the thymus, the vibration continues to travel to the brain, where it awakens the three gland chakras above the heart chakra: the thyroid, pineal and pituitary, representing complete endocrine awakening and therefore , maximum protection against COVID.

Practice for the Vibration of the Sacred Sound

Sit with your palms facing up on your knees.

Start externally listening to the sacred mantra AUM by lightly touching your lips for about two minutes; feel how the lips vibrate.

After two minutes, cease external hearing and continue silently listening to the internal AUM vibration in the center of the brain between the eyebrows.

The more subtle this inner ear is, the deeper the resonance of the thymus bliss.

15-20 minutes twice a day is ideal. injuries.




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