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Dog Camping – Camp Etiquette

dog camp tag

1) Always keep your dog on a leash:

This sounds so trite and as a dog owner you have heard it over and over again. But, it is one of the most common problems. There are a number of problems associated with leaving your dog off-leash at a campground. First, they might get lost while running after a rabbit, deer, or coyote. Second, there could be a larger, dog-aggressive dog tied up at the next campground that could eat your dog for lunch. Third, you’re giving the rest of us a bad name and the camp might decide to ban dogs. Enough said, I hope.

2) Call ahead:

Although the camp guides may tell you that the camp accepts dogs. Be sure to call ahead, as many of them only accept dogs under 25 pounds or charge per pet. Search our guide to camping with dogs here or search the Travel Life directory here.

3) Clean up after your dog:

We have found that the bags that are sold for dogs are very expensive in pet stores. Instead, we use simple food storage bags from the grocery store. Not the kind with zip locks, but old gallon-sized food storage bags with twist ties. These are slightly larger than pet store bags at less than half the price. The only drawback is that they are transparent instead of colored, but you’ll get used to it!

4) Make sure your dogs don’t bark too much:

Many dog ​​guides recommend that you stay indoors if you have a dog that barks a lot. This is not fair, every dog ​​should go camping. If you have a dog that barks like a pin, you’re probably better off spending some time training it. Try giving him treats every time he stops barking on command, he will eventually get the picture.

5) Aggressive dog or aggressive dogs with people:

Again, everything I have read recommends that you keep these types of dogs indoors. I do not agree. Dog aggression and people aggression are often natural behaviors for dogs. The trick is to keep these dogs under ABSOLUTE control at all times. You must be diligent about this, or someone or a dog could be seriously injured. This is what I learned from my dog ​​who is afraid of strangers and weighs 130 pounds.

a) Get a restraint collar that provides total control of your dog.

b) If you tie them outdoors at camp, always be outside with them.

c) Don’t take them hiking on trails, this is asking for trouble.

d) Find a campsite with large spaces; Check out Fodor’s Guide to the Best Campgrounds at http://www.fodors.com for the space and privacy factor of the site.

e) If you must carry them in crowded situations, wear a muzzle (but only use a muzzle sparingly).

f) Be vigilant at all times, I have camped full time for two years across the country without incident. However, I am always with my dog ​​and have him under my complete control (no, always easy with such a big dog).

Following these five simple rules will allow you and your dogs to enjoy camping, without generating complaints from other campers. If you receive a complaint for any reason, try to be bigger than the complainant – calm down and address the issue. After all, you go camping to enjoy life!


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