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Health Fitness

faster weight loss for women

Weight loss for men and women comes down to the same three problems. The issues are eating according to your individual metabolism, getting some form of daily aerobic exercise, and strengthening every muscle in your body.

Regardless of your gender, you must analyze who you are. This analyst will consider your age, height, current body weight, and your level of daily activity. You should also analyze your current eating habits. Whatever you eat, when you eat, and why you eat should also be taken into account. The more you know and understand about yourself in regards to food will help you manage your food intake to improve your health. Man or woman applies the same.

Getting some form of daily aerobic exercise will take time, commitment, and patience. Whoever commits more will have more success. Establish a plan to perform your favorite aerobic exercise for a very specific period of time at the same time every day. Don’t stray! It could be walking on a treadmill or pressing play on your favorite dance exercise video. This is where your level of commitment will determine your success. Keep track of what you did on paper. Add it up at the end of the week and month. Your basic exercise goal is to be as consistent as possible. You will also want to increase the intensity and duration of the exercise as time goes on. A lazy attitude with many excuses will result in failure. Your body doesn’t care if you are a man or a woman.

Muscles burn calories even when you’re resting. This additional calorie burn is commonly known as an increase in your metabolism. Think of this as your competitive advantage in shedding excess body fat and keeping it off. Men have more muscles than women, but they must use the muscles to make them more metabolically active. If you have an office job and rarely lift anything heavier than a mug of your favorite beer, this won’t do much to help keep your muscles strong. If a woman sticks to a strength training program, she can get equal to, if not better, fat loss results than a man who sticks to it poorly. Just look at the past weight loss reality show winners.

The big question is how serious are you about getting fit, losing weight, improving your health and your quality of life? Your gender has a lot to do with the results, depending on how well you apply the necessary weight loss principles. If you relax, you will constantly fight. If you do your research, develop a plan, and stick to your plan, you will win when you lose.


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