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Future trends of Botox treatments

New advances in our understanding of skin aging and the genetic code have led to the realization that a key element of youthful skin begins to break down after puberty. That element is human elastin. Without it, the skin begins to sag and wrinkles appear. Breakthrough is the key to regenerating and restoring a more youthful appearance, not only to stop the aging process, but also to rejuvenate the skin and give it a younger, healthier look and feel.

It is a well established fact that people do not produce elastin after adolescence. Gradually, over time, the elasticity begins to diminish, much like an elastic waist band loses its elasticity over time. Unfortunately, the skin’s ability to restore elasticity leaves us at a young age. Science has deciphered the gene responsible for its production, and has been able to reproduce pure human elastin in the laboratory. Initially, this science was applied to wounds, improving healing. The United States government even supported this research through government grants. Following these remarkable results, a topical cream containing 100% pure human tropoelastin was applied to sun-damaged skin. Again, the results were monitored by physicians, patients, and various sophisticated laboratory instruments. Initial studies were conducted at the Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine.

In fact, it is now a well-established fact that human elastin, when applied to sun-damaged skin, can restore a more youthful appearance and help repair and rejuvenate sun-damaged and aging skin. The science of human genetics and its understanding is now available in topical forms for application in aging skin. Many manufacturers claim they now have ‘elastin’ added to their skin formula, however most have elastin which originates from cow or horse tissue. These molecules are very large compared to human elastin and in fact may have difficulty affecting the elasticity of human skin and may also have the potential to cause allergic reactions.

When looking for a skin cream, make sure it’s “lab grade.” There are products that have been clinically tested, however, the best guarantee is to buy a product that has been tested by doctors, in a clinical trial, in a recognized medical school. Human elastin-based products often complement and enhance medical procedures and other skin care products. Could this be the next possible complement to botox treatment? Time will tell, but injectable cosmetic treatments certainly seem worth a try.

Eye creams and serums must contain the active substance SH polypeptide-50, a cosmetic ingredient derived from recombinant human tropoelastin. All ingredients must be laboratory grade. This is just another step science is taking to turn back the clock.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J_Steiner


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