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Great options for your next kitchen countertop remodel

There are several different types of kitchen tiles that you can use to give your kitchen a new and updated look. Understanding what your tile material is made of is very important because you want something that not only looks good, but can also withstand daily use and last a long time.

Granite tiles are by far the best option when money is not an issue. It is by far the queen of elegance when it comes to kitchen countertops. You will almost always give your home a higher value with this choice. Over the past decade, the cost of granite, due to its increased use in homes, has become more affordable. Granite will withstand heat, is virtually maintenance free if properly sealed, has an extremely hard density, and will last a lifetime.

Solid surface countertops are solid, seamless, and a good choice because scratches can be sanded away and they are stain resistant. These types of countertops are custom made to your specific taste. They come in a rainbow of colors and patterns that you can choose from. You will need to be careful when placing hot pans and the like on this surface as they can be damaged, also be sure to wipe up the spill to avoid staining. You will find the price for solid surface tops to be in the mid-range.

Ceramic tile is one of the most popular and affordable kitchen tiles available. This type of mosaic is very durable, time-tested, easy to install and maintain. Ceramic tile can be used for floor tiles, countertops, and backsplashes, giving them a beautiful contemporary look. You will find that this type of tile is available in many different vibrant shades that have a natural elegance and charismatic texture in each selection. Ceramic tile is prone to chipping and cracking, and grout lines can stain, so if this is your choice, be sure to take care of it and clean it often. This type of tile ranges in price range, especially custom designed pieces that can be very expensive.

Concrete tiles like Arto-Brick come in various size, color and shape combinations that make their presence felt in a variety of kitchen applications. This can be a great option if you have countertops that are unusually shaped. These handmade caps can be molded on the spot. They offer great durability and unmatched versatility for your kitchen project. Handmade cement countertops provide endless color options that can be stained to your liking and really make your kitchen stand out. Once sealed, your countertops, floors, and walls will be easy to clean and maintain, and will stand the test of time from heat, scratches, and cracks. Since this is mostly custom work, the price may be in the high range.

Marble countertops give your kitchen a luxurious look, but at a hefty price. Marble is best used for kitchen islands, smaller countertop areas, or baking centers. This material must be constantly maintained to prevent staining. Sealing it will help prevent it from getting as stained. This is a porous material that is susceptible to scratches. You will want to reseal your marble tops periodically to maintain their luxurious appearance.

Soapstone comes in dark gray colors with a very smooth feel. This type of material has been seen in old houses, but today it is making a comeback. Soapstone offers a rich, deep color with a silky-smooth texture that will darken over time. For the most part, this material is generally resistant to stains, as long as you maintain them regularly with mineral oil.

Engineered stone countertops are made of quartz particles that are bonded together. you can choose from a variety of colors. It is a non-porous surface, resistant to scratches and very easy to maintain. Since this material is engineered, it does not require any sealing like other natural stone surfaces. You will find this option to be stain resistant.

Stainless steel counters are a great option to give your kitchen a contemporary, industrial look and a modern feel, all at the same time. Stainless steel surfaces are heat resistant and highly durable, but you must pay attention to the immediate environment which can also become hot due to hot items placed on it. It’s an easy surface to clean and maintain and you’ll find that stains shouldn’t be a problem. Since this type of countertop can be built to your specifications, you can provide a uniform look if that’s what you want. The drawbacks you get with using stainless steel is that it can get damaged by teeth and scratches from placing things on top of it and cutting into the surface. This is generally an expensive option due to manufacturing.


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