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How to attract wealth by altering your invisible field?

Wealth attraction means more than just inviting more money into your life. It means having fulfilling relationships, love, wealth, health, career and success. If you agree that money is not the only yardstick for wealth and you like to know how to attract wealth by altering your invisible field, you are in the right place.

First, what is this invisible field? It is the aura that surrounds us. Most of us can’t see this glowing field, but we can certainly feel it.

Think about this: Have you ever experienced someone standing quietly behind you? It could be your boss watching what you were doing or a friend planning to surprise you. For some reason, you would have felt his presence unless you were too engrossed in your task. The reason you were able to sense it was because another invisible field collided with yours. And that invisible field is the aura.

Our aura is not only invisible, it is also magnetic. What you attract into your life manifests first in your aura, then in reality. Of course, the manifestation in the aura is not in terms of events or objects. Instead, it shows in the shade, shape, condition, and colors of the aura.

Simply put, by changing your aura, you can attract abundance. So how to attract wealth by changing the aura? The 5-step formula for manifesting abundance is as follows:

1) Create a clear image of your desire: The first thing is to be clear and concise about what you want. For simplicity, let’s say you want more money. Write down the amount. Start with what you expect to have in 3, 6, and 12 months. Control your emotions when writing down the value. If you feel uncomfortable, adjust the amount until it feels manageable.

Based on the amount you wrote down, imagine yourself celebrating and gradually putting more money away.

2) Get the Aura Tool for Wealth – The truth is, you can use visualization to change your aura. But it’s easier and faster with glass. Why glass? How does it work? The vibe of each type of crystal is unique, consistent and pure. Due to this special characteristic, each crystal has a specific hue and color aura.

Taking advantage of these stones we can alter our aura to attract wealth. But how to attract wealth with the crystal?

Depending on your definition of wealth, first select a suitable crystal. But since we used money as an example above, let’s continue with that.

For money, we’ll go with citrine. This stone is a famous money magnet and uplifter. Get a citrine crystal sphere that is 2 inches or larger – the bigger the better.

3) Preparing your Wealth Tool – You need to clean it, load it, and program it with the wealth images you created in step 1.

Soak the citrine in sea salt water overnight. Rinse with distilled or filtered water and leave in the sun for about half an hour. Then place the citrine in your left palm and visualize the images you have created earlier. During the visualization, stay relaxed, happy and satisfied.

4) Wealth Meditation: In step 4 on how to attract wealth, meditate with the citrine. You can assume the “sitting on the chariot”, half lotus or full lotus posture. Hold your citrine in your left hand and firmly supported with your right under it.

Meditate for 30 minutes for 7 consecutive days. It will be better to do it for 49 days in a row. During meditation, re-visualize the images created to reinforce the wealth-attracting power.

5) Release the feeling: At the end of the meditation, release the images and feelings. Place the citrine next to your bed and continue with your usual daily tasks.

With the help of citrine, you have infused your aura with the right hue and colors to attract wealth. Congratulations!

Having learned how to attract wealth by changing the colors of your aura, you must be impressed with what crystals can do for you.


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