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How to Increase Engagement on Our LinkedIn Company Page

Increase Engagement on Our LinkedIn Company Page

A well-established LinkedIn company page is a powerful asset to any business, whether it be for branding, recruitment or sales leads. However, many brands struggle with low engagement on their LinkedIn pages. This could be for a variety of reasons, from not having enough content to share or simply not posting at the right time.

It’s important to understand what your key objective is for your LinkedIn company page – is it brand awareness, recruitment or sales? Once you know this, you can better align your content strategy and target your audience.

Keeping your LinkedIn content up to date is one of the easiest ways to increase engagement. By regularly updating your page, it will show that your business is active and cares about its community.

Posting updates that include information your audience will find interesting or useful will encourage them to follow your page and share your content. LinkedIn also has a number of different post types that you can use, including polls, videos and images.

Sharing tips and advice that is relevant to your audience will engage them, especially if it solves a problem for them. For example, if you offer business services, you can post content on how to manage sensitive documents or how to optimize your small business website. Staples is a great example of this, as they often post helpful tips and advice for small businesses.

Grow LinkedIn Company Page

Adding a call-to-action (CTA) to your posts is another way to drive engagement. You can do this by asking your audience to like or comment on the post, or by clicking through to your website. If you’re running LinkedIn ads, you can also incorporate a CTA into your ad creative to drive click-throughs and conversions.

How to Increase Engagement on Our LinkedIn Company Page

It’s important that your LinkedIn content is consistent with the rest of your brand’s marketing materials. This includes your website, blog and social media. For instance, if you’re running an event or promotion with a specific theme, it’s worth making sure your LinkedIn company page is in line with this, too.

Enhance Your LinkedIn Company Page Growth

LinkedIn offers a range of targeting options, allowing you to select the job titles, companies and other demographics that are most likely to be interested in your business. Using these tools to your advantage will ensure that the people you’re reaching with your ads are actually the most relevant to your business.

Boost the Growth of Your LinkedIn Company Page

Using the Invite Connections feature is another simple but effective way to increase engagement on your LinkedIn company page. Make sure you’re only inviting your most loyal followers, and that you’re targeting your chosen audience correctly. Employees can be powerful brand advocates. Encourage them to engage with your company’s content and share updates with their networks. This amplifies your reach and adds authenticity to your brand messaging.

Joining relevant LinkedIn groups can expose your company to a wider audience within your niche. Contribute to discussions, offer valuable insights, and avoid overtly promoting your business. Organize webinars and virtual events to showcase your company’s expertise and provide value to your audience. These activities also offer opportunities to collect leads and nurture prospects.


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