
Who runs the world? Tech.


Legalization of the imagination

In 1967, The Walt Disney Corporation filed a copyright registration for a term that combined the word imagination with engineering. At some point after receiving the copyright from the US Copyright Office, they used the word and its meaning in their animation business. Disney then filed and received a trademark on the term from the US Patent and Trademark office. The Disney Corporation owns the term, and when they use it, you’ll often see the ® registration symbol behind it.

The term, coined before the Walt Disney Corporation existed, dates back to the 1940s. Disney lawyers “successfully advocated the term.” In this article, I use the terms “lawyer” and “attorney,” which I found in the online Urban Dictionary as new trending terms. I didn’t think of those terms, but they fit well with the point I’m making about how an idea, a reality, even a word can be protected even though someone else has conceived of those things. In other words, when your “magic happens,” you may not own the concept, the reality, or even the terminology. By the way, by putting magic in The Magic Kingdom®, Disney created another legalized brand.

Magic means that something mysterious happened. We don’t know how it happened. We all benefit from the reality of Walt Disney’s vision to produce and deliver public entertainment. Visit your parks, see your movies, experience the magic of Disney for fun, and especially do it for your young children. But don’t mess with Disney copyrighted and trademarked stuff. The power of attorney protects your entertainment, art, engineering, and intellectual property. The Disney Corporation has copyrighted and trademarked many terms associated with its creations.

In the article, I wanted to talk about the intriguing concept of dreaming up an idea and then applying technical innovation to it, so that a fantasy becomes a reality. That’s so cool! But, while researching the concept, I felt ice cold water running through my veins. It seems that those who play with such themes run the risk of running into lawyers who have learned to legalize magic. #TAG1writer


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