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let miracles happen

You must (as I must) program the positive until it happens. If obstacles arise, work on them, whatever they are. We all must genuinely realize ourselves in order to genuinely and finally enlighten ourselves. The tricky easy way is a complete illusion, but the hard way guarantees all results like cash in hand. We all need to work on ourselves without illusions. The only “easy” thing about real, genuine work on oneself is the cybernetic part: we must set the “thermostat” and “temperature” of our goals and then move toward them within that framework relentlessly. In fact, the movement is always the “hard part”, the genuine setting is the “easy part”. However, work is work and must be done to get anywhere. So, starting with the cybernetic part and ending with the full realization of ourselves, cannot be done in any other way. Enlightenment comes with every goal we achieve, it is not a static condition to be “finally achieved” in reality.

To win, we must do the work, to shorten the previous paragraph, and there is no catch in that. The work begins with a goal and a reality to achieve.

Thinking about the genuine nature of miracles, they are nothing more than what I like to call “accomplished cybernetic programming” that seems easy to achieve after it is achieved because it is defined, programmed and repeatable in reality as a law and a definite goal. Each goal achieved in that cybernetic sense is a small portion of enlightenment until full enlightenment and self-realization is achieved through each goal achieved. Mastery is just repeatedly accomplishing goals anyway, not getting the job done and cheating and lying about it is just cheating yourself anyway. Only what is won counts, everything else is unearned cheating. Look down the line at all, and you will find that what I am saying is honest and true.

Also, the wisest people actually earn it organically through work, the dumbest genuinely “fake it ’til they make it.” One of the keys is to be willing to win and genuinely work towards the goals you want, the genuine door to go through is the “cyber factor” I am writing about. A complete understanding, desire, and work ethic about things creates a true autopilot, no matter what you face in the interim, to get you there. Yes, relentlessness in reaching goals comes through these factors of total understanding, sincere desire, and genuine work ethic. After all, the best achievements are the real achievements anyway in all of reality. Fantasy is deception and ease without skill.


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