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Lice treatment and removal

Head lice treatment or head lice removal, whatever you call it, the process generally involves three basic methods. Is it so…

o Mechanical removal of lice and nits

o Use of pesticide-based lice solutions

or natural treatments.

The safest treatment for head lice is to shave your hair or at least cut it off, say, about an inch and a half. However, it goes without saying that this method of live treatment of the head is not very practical and is not always possible.

Since the problem mainly affects younger girls who may have an instant aversion to shaving their heads, cutting it to a shorter length may offer a compromise. While the reason behind shaving your head is quite obvious, as no lice can harbor a shaved head, shorter hair also helps to get rid of lice as it creates insufficient room temperature where lice cannot live and multiply.

Mechanical removal of head lice involves the use of a fine-toothed metal comb that can easily remove lice when used firmly on the head. The operation should start from the root of the hair, and then gradually reach the tip of the hair. Plastic combs can also work to some extent, but the gap between the plastic teeth usually spreads out after a couple of uses. A stored used toothbrush can be reused during comb cleaning. Wet combing of the hair gives a better result if the following technique is followed.

o Hair should first be combed with any ordinary comb to remove knots and tangles.

o To facilitate the passage of the fine tooth comb through the hair, it can be soaked with a conditioner or with a small amount of olive oil.

o The fine tooth comb can now be pulled from the root of the hair to the ends, applying the process to the entire head.

o The combing operation can be repeated every two or three days until no lice or nits appear on the comb, although some pharmaceutical companies recommend treating with a comb and conditioner for ten consecutive days.

The use of pesticide-based lice solutions is quite common among the younger generation because of the ease of use. However, they come with their own side effects. So with an increase in awareness on the subject these days, more and more people are leaving this line of lice treatment and looking for alternatives.

Natural treatments consist of ingredients that are naturally grown or produced from plant or flower components or have herbal origins such as tree oil, anise or ylang ylang oils. There are also other natural essential oils that work wonderfully well in treating head lice. However, toxic side effects or allergic problems are not always ruled out in the case of using natural treatment procedures. And while natural remedies are great, the right lice treatment product needs to be chosen carefully.


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